care elderly
时间: 2023-06-05 15:15:06
英 [kɛː ˈɛldəli]
美 [kɛr ˈɛldərli]


  • Improved health care for the elderly will contribute to longevity.


  • There is another set of reasons why we don't find it easy to talk about the care of the elderly: many of them are in the final years of their lives. They are living very intimately with death.


  • Secondly family is one of the best places for learning values therefore to set an example at home by taking good care of the elderly members so that children learn to adopt this same practice.


  • Do you find yourself so tired from taking care of a house full of kids and your elderly parent or disabled spouse that you collapse into bed exhausted at the end of the day?


  • Thee country should set up a long-term care mechanism for the elderly via reforming theinsurance system and providing subsidies, said Dang Junwu, deputy head of the ChinaResearch Center on Aging.

    中国老龄科学研究中心副主任党俊武表示,中国应该通过改革保险制度及提供补贴的方式,来为老年人口建立一个长期关怀机制。 。

  • She is willing to care for newborns, children or the elderly. She took care of her grandfather and grandmother for 1 year, up until the death of her grandmother.


  • The paper proceeds from the concept of community care and discusses the problem of perfecting the construction of day care centres in community for the elderly in China.


  • Conclusion It is urgent to improve the community health service system to meet the increasing demand of health care service among the elderly population in the minority area.


  • The government has tried to address the problem by promoting telecommuting and encouraging workers to take leave when they start families or need to care for elderly parents.


  • In South Asia, for instance, women carry out up to 90% of unpaid care work, including cooking, cleaning, and looking after children and the elderly.



dipole moment n. 偶极矩;磁偶极矩

part time jobs pl-n. 兼职;兼职工作;(part time job的复数)

flunk v. 通不过;在…中失败;不及格;使(考生)不及格;使(考生)通不过;退学;被开除

on the other hand 另一方面

suck v. 吸;太差;令人不快;令人厌恶;吸引;卷入;吞没;含在嘴里舔吃;吮吸;吸…的奶。n. 吸食;吮吸;吸;抽吸;冲刷声。excl. 瞧…这副狼狈相

speedy passage 快速通道;快速通过

digital out 数字输出

villainy n. 恶行;犯罪

transformational adj. 转变的;转换生成语法的

expansivity n. 膨胀率