complete version
时间: 2024-04-15 17:11:02
英 [kəmˈpliːt ˈvəːʃ(ə)n]
美 [kəmˈplit ˈvərʒən]


  • Anyone has more complete version?


  • This is the complete version with colors.


  • The system WPAR is much closer to a complete version of AIX.

    系统 WPAR 与完整的 AIX 非常相似。

  • The minit package is a small but complete version of the init system.

    minit 包是 init 系统的一个小而全的版本。

  • As with the Chengdu novel, the complete version of the Shenzhen tale exists online.


  • ShiVa Advanced, the full complete version to create every kind of application. ShiVa.


  • A complete version of the class shown in Listing 3 can be downloaded from the code accompanying the article.


  • The system WPAR is closer to a complete version of AIX and is analogous to either sparse or fill root zones.


  • A complete version of the class displayed in Listing 2 can be found in the sample code accompanying the article.


  • To assemble a complete version of the file, these peers then share their pieces with each other (hence "peer to peer").


  • Some "Oblivion" fans grumble that to own a complete version of the game, it is now necessary to buy all the add-ons, too.


  • Note however that this listing is incomplete at this stage in HC development; I'll show a more complete version in the next column.

    然而,请注意,在 HC 开发中的这个阶段,该清单是不完整的;在下一篇专栏文章中,我将给出更完整的版本。

  • A couple of years later, you can publish the complete version.The logic is this: If the first version was not banned, why would the second one be?


  • Since then, they've been working to restore it and just thought to be the only near complete version in existence. Only one minute is missing.


  • A couple of years later, you can publish the complete version. The logic is this: If the first version was not banned, why would the second one be?


  • “Once a book gets past the censors and gets published, it is legitimate, ” Mr. Murong said. “A couple of years later, you can publish the complete version.


  • The script imitation The Lady in White Weighing down the Leifeng Pagoda compiled by Feng Menglong in the Ming Dynasty is the earliest complete version.


  • We’ve included major changes within each version and some minor ones. This is meant to be a fun stroll down memory lane rather than a complete version catalogue.


  • We've included major changes within each version and some minor ones. This is meant to be a fun stroll down memory lane rather than a complete version catalogue.


  • I believe everyone who watched this movie will feel like they lost a little something in their life which is being not able to watch the complete version of 'this is it' concert anymore!



within an inch of 差点儿;贴近

have whiskers 古老;不再新奇

live-in adj. 寄住在雇主家的;居住的;与他人同居的;住宅的。n. 作为性伴侣与他人同居者;住家雇员

dialectical adj. 逻辑论证的;辩证的

run high 水满的, 高涨的, 水流湍急的;强烈, 剧烈

rehearsal room 排演室;排练室;排练场

dwarfing n. 侏儒;矮子。adj. 矮小的;相形见绌的。vt. 使矮小;(dwarf的现在分词形式)。vi. 变矮小;(dwarf的现在分词)

tenancies pl-n. 租赁;租用;(tenancy的复数)

variations n. 变种;变化;变异;变奏曲;(variation的复数)

walking into 走进