the error of assuming that what is true of a member of a group is true for the group as a whole
n. 组合谬误;汇总错误
Then analyze the logical deduce process and basic presumption of the fallacy of composition argument.
The fallacy of composition is a kind of "macro-market failure", so the stabilization policy should be chosen by the state.
The conventional analysis of fallacy of composition not only deviates from the new approach and perspective of Coase but also contradicts the connotation of Coase theorem.
The welfare transfer effect of China's foreign trade growth becomes more pronounced under the conditions of fallacy of composition.
But from a dynamic view, it must be a fallacy of composition for many countries to do so at the same time.
合成谬误(Fallacy of Composition)是萨缪尔森提出来的。意即,它是一种谬误,对局部说来是对的东西,仅仅由于它对局部而言是对的,便说它对总体而言也必然是对的。在经济学领域中,十分肯定的是:微观上而言是对的东西,在宏观上并不总是对的;反之,在宏观上是对的东西,在微观上可能是十分错误的。如,一户人家教育小孩刻苦学习,考上大学,成了人上人,但家家都这么做,却无法如愿。合成谬误是缺乏创造性和缺乏开拓性的表现,它会造成重复生产、资源浪费、供求单一。但合成谬误也是市场自我调节的一种表现,平衡着供求和价格的关系。
the error of assuming that what is true of a member of a group is true for the group as a whole