scheduled maintenance
时间: 2024-02-22 09:39:02
英 [ˈʃɛdjuːld ˈmeɪnt(ə)nəns]
美 [ˈskɛdʒuld ˈmeɪnt(ə)nəns]


  • To move a system database data or log file as part of a planned relocation or scheduled maintenance operation, follow these steps.


  • Here's a hint: Accidental of cutting fiber optics not within direct control of the provider, scheduled maintenance (planned and unplanned) and scheduled proactive behavioral upgrades to applications.


  • It may send reminders about scheduled tasks and needed parts, so parts can be ordered and be at the ready for the scheduled maintenance.


  • Scheduled maintenance activities play an important role to prevent any unexpected behavior by the system that has already being identified by IBM and for which a solution has been posted.

    有计划的维护活动有助于避免那些 IBM 已经发现并为其提供了解决方案的系统异常行为。

  • The second soft goal specifies exceptions, such as planned failures, denial of service, scheduled maintenance, network outages, and network issues within the control of a service provider.


  • What you need is scheduled maintenance.


  • First he stops the production in the cloud while pretending to be on scheduled maintenance.


  • There will be no scheduled maintenance for release day, though should it be deemed necessary, we may have rolling restarts.


  • On the other hand, deploying a new revision of the application will be more involved and may need to be performed as a part of scheduled maintenance downtime.


  • We are currently conducting a scheduled maintenance and normal service will resume shortly. Please try to login later.


  • You might want to relocate applications to avoid downtime resulting from scheduled maintenance or to improve performance by moving an application to a more powerful server.


  • Microsoft isn’t sharing any details about “the root cause” that happened during scheduled maintenance (maintenance about which Microsoft didn’t forewarn its customers).


  • Scheduled maintenance, such as software upgrades and periodic backups


  • Provider's scheduled maintenance.


  • The "sendSms" operation also can used to send short messages to the customer to alert him or her of any abnormal vehicle status or to remind him or her that scheduled maintenance is due.


  • Scheduled maintenance, insurance for a 40-year-old male with a clean driving record, fuel (around 8 MPG in the city, 14 MPG on the highway).


  • We have found the cause of this and will be removing the unearned titles and achievements during the next regularly scheduled maintenance.


  • To help prevent small-scale issues from becoming large-scale ones, we bring down our realms for scheduled maintenance each week and run diagnostic programs that help us find and fix potential issues.


  • Generating capacity is taken out of service for scheduled maintenance or planned outage and is occasionally lost on an unplanned or forced outage.


  • You are now able to perform scheduled maintenance activities on the Blade and SAP will not suffer any down time as a result of this activity.

    现在能够在Blade 上按计划执行维护活动,而不需要停止SAP。

  • Lexus covers just the first two rounds of scheduled maintenance.


  • I'll arbitrarily divide them into four areas: failures, network issues not within the direct control of service provider, denial of service, and scheduled maintenance.


  • It is a common problem to reduce the downtime associated with a site; however, scheduled maintenance downtime is a necessary evil.


  • The domain controller that currently owns FSMO roles is being taken offline for scheduled maintenance and you need specific FSMO roles to be assigned to a “live” domain controller.


  • Action #10. Give advanced notice on scheduled maintenance or upgrades to user access management, data protection technologies and virtual machines.

    措施 #10.在对用户访问管理、数据保护技术和虚拟机进行有计划的维护或升级时,应该提前通知使用者。


as it were 也许可以这么说;在某种程度上

my favourite singer 我最喜欢的歌手

financial planning 财务规划;财政规划;金融策划

schmitt adj. (双稳态电路等)施密特的;[电子](双稳态电路等)施密特的

acquiescing vi. 默许;勉强同意;(acquiesce的现在分词形式)

have a collection of 有一批

things fall apart 事情变得支离破碎

besmirches v. 诋毁;玷污;弄脏;使褪色;(besmirch的第三人称单数)

flash into 闪现

corny adj. 陈腐的;老套的;感伤的