A general purpose adapter that inserts or removes control information and converts message data into an appropriate form for the terminal in which it is used.
The aftermath of the banking crisis requires thinking about not only the most appropriate form of banking legislation, but also the appropriate size of the state.
Workshop communicate with artists to choose the appropriate form of silk screen prints of images and color separation plan agreed upon;
Metadata to be fed in to Linked Data web in the most appropriate form for that purpose.
Facilitating interdisciplinary research needs an appropriate form of organization.
It is easier to relax when an appropriate form of entertainment is convenient and close by.
With the words or phrases appropriate form of the blanks.
For groups, please choose a group name and select one representative, and then place the group and the representative names in the appropriate fields of the entry form.
Appropriate manufacturing and control procedures (including in-process testing when needed) should be established for the production of the desired solid-state form(s).
This is one reason why it is more appropriate to consider kung fu as a form of art.