It can weaken our sense of accomplishment.
Meanwhile, the kids have gained a sense of accomplishment.
The reduction of inflation was a remarkable accomplishment.
Accomplishment of something requires a comprehensive consideration.
The accomplishment of the task depends upon the efforts of everyone involved.
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Choosing an easier goal that can be accomplished in a few months and then setting another goal after that will provide you with the encouragement and sense of accomplishment you need.
Ask and Allow this healing to take place as we rejoice in our accomplishment together. We begin the seeding of Terra Nova now, with nothing that does now Birth from Love.
The labor contracts can be divided into the labor contract of fixed term, the labor contract of unfixed term and the labor contract of term of accomplishment of certain work.
You might have felt you hesitated too long when asked about your greatest weakness or forgotten to mention an important accomplishment with special relevance to the job opening at hand.