(of a fictional being, especially a vampire)technically dead but still animate
adj. 技术上已死但仍活着的
There's no doubt I look like the evil undead.
Undead targets take an additional 158 to 170 damage.
不死系目标受到额外158 - 170点伤害。
Undead targets take an additional 264 to 282 damage.
Every day out a lot of thought, the undead is called dream.
Pets - We saw an Undead Warlock get his first level pet quest.
Undead是《假面骑士剑》中登场的怪人。 就如名字一样,「Un Dead」= 不死身的怪物。 1万年前,存在53只UNDEAD展开了激烈的极限之战,而最后取得胜利的“人类UNDEAD”成为了人类的祖先,而其余52只UNDEAD则被封印在卡片里。而每一只UNDEAD都是相应物种的祖先。时间回到现代,52只UNDEAD大部分的封印被解除,遵从着再一次生存战的UNDEAD们开始新一轮极限之战。胜利者将被允许支配地球。 UNDEAD并不会死去,被打倒后会进入停滞状态。远古时由作为裁判的封印之石进行封印,而假面骑士通过解封后遗留下的空白卡片进行封印。
Undead,音乐手游《偶像梦幻祭2》及其衍生作品中来自Rhythm Link旗下的组合。由“三奇人”之一的朔间零领衔,组合成员有乙狩阿多尼斯、大神晃牙和羽风薰,被称为梦之咲学园中最过激与背德的组合,代表颜色为黑色和紫色。由于自由奔放型成员比较多,该组合完全发挥出能力的表演次数和参加演出的频率都很低。 Undead的作品有《背德世界》《Melody in the Dark》和《给糖也捣蛋!!》。
(of a fictional being, especially a vampire)technically dead but still animate
But it's enjoyable as hell to think about an undead ankylosaur going after a diplodocus.
《The Walking Dead S4》《行尸走肉 第四季》
A morally ambiguous confidence man who smokes, has lung cancer and is tormented by the spirits of the undead.
《The Big Bang Theory Season 2》《生活大爆炸 第二季》
You're thinking of 28 Days Later. 28 Days is where Sandra Bullock goes to rehab and puts the audience into an undead state.
《The Big Bang Theory Season 4》《生活大爆炸 第四季》