时间: 2023-05-06 02:42:07
英 [ɪnˈdɔːsmənt]
美 [ɪnˈdɔːrsmənt]

n. 赞同;支持;认可;违章记录;背书;票据签字;对产品的推荐;保险单附加条款

  • Researchers studied 100 professional athletes and their endorsement contracts.


  • The word can be divided into roughly three groups: one for the court to be the system of making, one type of lyrical freehand or chanting for a class of body for the endorsement.


  • May on behalf of clients in the mainland and Hong Kong Customs and the relevant agency to prove (including Hong Kong Certificate of endorsement ; to provide permits and quotas for textiles, etc. ).


  • So far it has finished the feasibility demonstration and has been submitted for approval and endorsement, and has been listed in the plan. It is doing the work of field cleaning and greening, etc.


  • Kadeer to appear so soon after the blood was washed off the streets of Urumqi amounts to an endorsement of her alleged role in the violence and an insult to the Chinese people.


  • Nothing in this Endorsement shall be construed as affecting the right of the Company in the name of the Insured to prosecute for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damage.


  • If the signature on the bill by the drawer or acceptor other than the person that this person that is the legitimate holder of the person responsible for a negative endorsement.


  • Founded 13 years ago, Fujian-based Anta can't match the superstar endorsement deals of Adidas, whose Reebok brand is paying basketball's Yao Ming an estimated $7 million to $10 million a year.


  • An ancient water-saving technique thousands of years old that could save millions of people from drought last night won the ringing endorsement of an audience at the Geographical Society in London.


  • They met and they toasted each other and gave each other grateful thanks, so he is the first screen Holmes to come with the proper official endorsement of Holmes's creator.



v. 赞同




  • amazement n. 惊愕;惊诧
  • argument n. 激烈的争吵;争执;争论;理由;证据;说理;论证;自变数;书的内容提要
  • astonishment n. 惊讶;惊愕
  • torment n. 折磨;痛苦;痛苦的原因
  • achievement n. 成功;成就;达到;实现;纹章牌;学习成绩
  • appointment n. 约会;约定;任命;委派;家具;陈设;工作;岗位;被任命的人;受委任的人
  • parliament n. 议会;全体议员;国会
  • retirement n. 退休;退职;退役;退庭表决;引退;退隐;退休生活;退庭表决时间;停止参赛;退隐处
  • assessment n. 评估;估计
  • enrichment n. 丰富;肥沃;浓缩;改进
  • experiment n. 实验;试验
  • recruitment n. 招募;征兵;招聘;招收;增长;募集
  • encroachment n. 侵蚀;侵入;侵犯;侵占
  • reimbursement n. 赔偿;偿还;补偿;退还
  • complement n. 补充;增强;足数;补足物;补足量;补语;补体;防御素;编制名额;定员
  • announcement n. 宣告;通告;布告;启事;通知
  • development n. 发展;开始;出现;显影;新发展;新产品;精品;新构想;新建楼区;发育(或成长、进化)的特定阶段
  • agreement n. 协调一致;同意;一致意见;协定;一致;合同;契约;相容;呼应
  • figment n. 臆造的事物
  • enforcement n. 强制;执行;实施
  • commitment n. 献身;投入;约定;约束;义务;承诺;保证;拨出;留出
  • investment n. 投资;包围;封锁;投入;付出;值得投资之物
  • equipment n. 设备;器材;用具;装备;配备;知识;才能;素养;才智
  • pigment n. 色素;颜料;涂料
  • embezzlement n. 侵占;挪用;盗用;侵吞公款
  • ailment n. 微恙;小疾
  • excitement n. 兴奋;激动;性兴奋;令人兴奋的事
  • filament n. 丝;灯丝;丝极;花丝;暗条
  • enjoyment n. 享受;乐趣;享有;令人愉快的事物
  • advancement n. 促进;发展;进步;提拔
  • supplement n. 增补物;补充物;补角;补品;补给品;额外服务费用;增刊
  • adjustment n. 调整;调节;调节器;调解;适应
  • placement n. 摆放;放置;安置;安排;安顿;实习岗位
  • replacement n. 替代;更换;复位;替代者;替代物;接替者
  • sentiment n. 观点;看法;感觉;情感;情绪;感伤;感想;愿望
  • treatment n. 对待;待遇;美容护理;保健护理;治疗;处理;表现;讨论;疗程;医治
  • mismanagement n. 管理不善;处置失当
  • entertainment n. 娱乐;娱乐活动;招待;款待;请客;文娱表演
  • imprisonment n. 关押;监禁;禁锢
  • document n. 文件
  • increment n. 增长;工资定量增长;定量加薪;正(或负)增量
  • instrument n. 仪器;器具;仪表;乐器;公文;文书;工具;方法;手段
  • tournament n. 比赛;锦标赛;联赛;骑士马上比武大会;阅兵式
  • monument n. 纪念物;纪念碑;纪念馆;纪念塔;纪念门;纪念像;丰碑;墓碑;遗址;历史遗迹
  • measurement n. 测量;数量;测量单位;度量制;尺寸
  • settlement n. 正式协议;解决;定居点;财产赠与;结算;清账;沉降;定居;定居行动;和解
  • augment v. 增大;增加
  • containment n. 控制;抑制;封锁;遏制
  • resentment n. 愤恨;怨恨
  • involvement n. 卷入;牵连;参与;关联;牵扯
  • ornament n. 装饰品;增添光彩的品质;争光者;装饰;装饰音;礼拜用品;典礼用品
  • government n. 政府;内阁;支配关系;控制;体制;政体;管理(国家、组织或人的)行为
  • confinement n. 分娩;监禁;限制
  • consignment n. 托付物;委托物;寄存物;寄售物;托运物;寄售;委托;托运;交付;运送
  • advertisement n. 广告;宣传;活广告;致读者;说明文字
  • statement n. 陈述;声明;报表;报道;账单;结算单;官方声明;供述;呈现
  • compliment n. 恭维;赞美;称赞;赞扬;敬意;祝贺;问候;尊重;致意
  • reinforcement n. 增援;增强;援军;增援部队;加深;增进;强化;增援力量;加固物;增强材料
  • department n. 部;处;司;系;专责;省;专长;特定方面
  • pavement n. 人行道;铺砌层;铺面;硬路面;裸露岩面;砾石滩
  • refreshment n. 饮料;点心;便餐;活力恢复
  • disagreement n. 意见不一;不同意;不一致;不符
  • assignment n. 任务;作业;归属;归因;转让;分配;指派;转让证书
  • fragmentary adj. 支离破碎的;由碎片组成的;不完整的
  • disillusionment n. 失望;幻灭
  • employment n. 就业;受雇;应用;使用;工作;职业;雇用
  • requirement n. 要求;必要条件;必需品
  • improvement n. 进步的实例;改善;进步;增进;帮助改善之物
  • embarrassment n. 尴尬;窘;难堪;经济困难;拮据;使人为难(或尴尬)的人
  • enrollment n. 登记;注册;报名;入会;注册人数
  • fragment n. 碎片;碎块;破片;片段;片断;不完整的部分
  • impairment n. 损伤;削弱
  • management n. 管理;欺骗;欺诈;管理层;管理人员;监控;经营管理;治疗
  • departmental adj. 部门的
  • temperament n. 气质;性情;性格;禀赋;调律;急躁脾气;容易兴奋(或激动)的性格;易变的性情
  • comment n. 意见;评论;注释;注解;评注;议论;解说
  • fulfillment n. 满意;满足;愉悦;实现(诺言的)履行;应验;对要求(或条件、需要的)满足;对任务(或职责、角色)的履行;执行
  • movement n. 动;移动;变动;团体;乐章;机械装置;可动装置;运动;活动;动向
  • apartment n. 公寓套房; 一套公寓房间;一套公寓;公寓大楼;豪华公寓套房
  • accomplishment n. 成就;成绩;完成;实现;才能;造诣;技能

词根 endorse

  • endorsed adj. 批注的;授让的 v. 支持,赞同(endorse的过去式);批注(文件,公文等)

  • endorser n. 背书人;转让人

  • endorse vt. 背书;认可;签署;赞同;在背面签名



an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something


a recommendation of a product in an advertisement


(in the UK)a note on a driving licence recording the penalty points incurred for a driving offence


a clause in an insurance policy detailing an exemption from or change in cover


[mass noun]the action of endorsing a cheque or bill of exchange


  • endorsementn.赞同;支持;认可;违章记录;背书;票据签字;对产品的推荐;保险单附加条款

  • enforcementn.强制;执行;实施




6年出现 3

  • 66.67%

    n (通常为名人在广告中对某一产品的)宣传; 代言

  • 33.33%

    n (公开的)赞同; 支持; 认可

  • n. (通常为名人在广告中对某一产品的)宣传; 代言



    • The scientists were able to quantify how prevalent these endorsements are in the children's environment.


      [2016年 CET6 听力]
    • Researchers studied 100 professional athletes and their endorsement contracts.


      [2016年 CET6 听力]
  • n. (公开的)赞同; 支持; 认可



    • It's a dramatic endorsement for a technology most people think about only when their smart phone goes dark.


      [2016年 CET6 阅读理解C]

v. 赞同




  • amazement n. 惊愕;惊诧
  • argument n. 激烈的争吵;争执;争论;理由;证据;说理;论证;自变数;书的内容提要
  • astonishment n. 惊讶;惊愕
  • torment n. 折磨;痛苦;痛苦的原因
  • achievement n. 成功;成就;达到;实现;纹章牌;学习成绩
  • appointment n. 约会;约定;任命;委派;家具;陈设;工作;岗位;被任命的人;受委任的人
  • parliament n. 议会;全体议员;国会
  • retirement n. 退休;退职;退役;退庭表决;引退;退隐;退休生活;退庭表决时间;停止参赛;退隐处
  • assessment n. 评估;估计
  • enrichment n. 丰富;肥沃;浓缩;改进
  • experiment n. 实验;试验
  • recruitment n. 招募;征兵;招聘;招收;增长;募集
  • encroachment n. 侵蚀;侵入;侵犯;侵占
  • reimbursement n. 赔偿;偿还;补偿;退还
  • complement n. 补充;增强;足数;补足物;补足量;补语;补体;防御素;编制名额;定员
  • announcement n. 宣告;通告;布告;启事;通知
  • development n. 发展;开始;出现;显影;新发展;新产品;精品;新构想;新建楼区;发育(或成长、进化)的特定阶段
  • agreement n. 协调一致;同意;一致意见;协定;一致;合同;契约;相容;呼应
  • figment n. 臆造的事物
  • enforcement n. 强制;执行;实施
  • commitment n. 献身;投入;约定;约束;义务;承诺;保证;拨出;留出
  • investment n. 投资;包围;封锁;投入;付出;值得投资之物
  • equipment n. 设备;器材;用具;装备;配备;知识;才能;素养;才智
  • pigment n. 色素;颜料;涂料
  • embezzlement n. 侵占;挪用;盗用;侵吞公款
  • ailment n. 微恙;小疾
  • excitement n. 兴奋;激动;性兴奋;令人兴奋的事
  • filament n. 丝;灯丝;丝极;花丝;暗条
  • enjoyment n. 享受;乐趣;享有;令人愉快的事物
  • advancement n. 促进;发展;进步;提拔
  • supplement n. 增补物;补充物;补角;补品;补给品;额外服务费用;增刊
  • adjustment n. 调整;调节;调节器;调解;适应
  • placement n. 摆放;放置;安置;安排;安顿;实习岗位
  • replacement n. 替代;更换;复位;替代者;替代物;接替者
  • sentiment n. 观点;看法;感觉;情感;情绪;感伤;感想;愿望
  • treatment n. 对待;待遇;美容护理;保健护理;治疗;处理;表现;讨论;疗程;医治
  • mismanagement n. 管理不善;处置失当
  • entertainment n. 娱乐;娱乐活动;招待;款待;请客;文娱表演
  • imprisonment n. 关押;监禁;禁锢
  • document n. 文件
  • increment n. 增长;工资定量增长;定量加薪;正(或负)增量
  • instrument n. 仪器;器具;仪表;乐器;公文;文书;工具;方法;手段
  • tournament n. 比赛;锦标赛;联赛;骑士马上比武大会;阅兵式
  • monument n. 纪念物;纪念碑;纪念馆;纪念塔;纪念门;纪念像;丰碑;墓碑;遗址;历史遗迹
  • measurement n. 测量;数量;测量单位;度量制;尺寸
  • settlement n. 正式协议;解决;定居点;财产赠与;结算;清账;沉降;定居;定居行动;和解
  • augment v. 增大;增加
  • containment n. 控制;抑制;封锁;遏制
  • resentment n. 愤恨;怨恨
  • involvement n. 卷入;牵连;参与;关联;牵扯
  • ornament n. 装饰品;增添光彩的品质;争光者;装饰;装饰音;礼拜用品;典礼用品
  • government n. 政府;内阁;支配关系;控制;体制;政体;管理(国家、组织或人的)行为
  • confinement n. 分娩;监禁;限制
  • consignment n. 托付物;委托物;寄存物;寄售物;托运物;寄售;委托;托运;交付;运送
  • advertisement n. 广告;宣传;活广告;致读者;说明文字
  • statement n. 陈述;声明;报表;报道;账单;结算单;官方声明;供述;呈现
  • compliment n. 恭维;赞美;称赞;赞扬;敬意;祝贺;问候;尊重;致意
  • reinforcement n. 增援;增强;援军;增援部队;加深;增进;强化;增援力量;加固物;增强材料
  • department n. 部;处;司;系;专责;省;专长;特定方面
  • pavement n. 人行道;铺砌层;铺面;硬路面;裸露岩面;砾石滩
  • refreshment n. 饮料;点心;便餐;活力恢复
  • disagreement n. 意见不一;不同意;不一致;不符
  • assignment n. 任务;作业;归属;归因;转让;分配;指派;转让证书
  • fragmentary adj. 支离破碎的;由碎片组成的;不完整的
  • disillusionment n. 失望;幻灭
  • employment n. 就业;受雇;应用;使用;工作;职业;雇用
  • requirement n. 要求;必要条件;必需品
  • improvement n. 进步的实例;改善;进步;增进;帮助改善之物
  • embarrassment n. 尴尬;窘;难堪;经济困难;拮据;使人为难(或尴尬)的人
  • enrollment n. 登记;注册;报名;入会;注册人数
  • fragment n. 碎片;碎块;破片;片段;片断;不完整的部分
  • impairment n. 损伤;削弱
  • management n. 管理;欺骗;欺诈;管理层;管理人员;监控;经营管理;治疗
  • departmental adj. 部门的
  • temperament n. 气质;性情;性格;禀赋;调律;急躁脾气;容易兴奋(或激动)的性格;易变的性情
  • comment n. 意见;评论;注释;注解;评注;议论;解说
  • fulfillment n. 满意;满足;愉悦;实现(诺言的)履行;应验;对要求(或条件、需要的)满足;对任务(或职责、角色)的履行;执行
  • movement n. 动;移动;变动;团体;乐章;机械装置;可动装置;运动;活动;动向
  • apartment n. 公寓套房; 一套公寓房间;一套公寓;公寓大楼;豪华公寓套房
  • accomplishment n. 成就;成绩;完成;实现;才能;造诣;技能
  • endorsementn. 赞同;支持;认可;违章记录;背书;票据签字;对产品的推荐;保险单附加条款

  • He overreached. You want my endorsement? Yes, I do.


    《The Good Wife Season 5》《傲骨贤妻 第五季》

  • I have the endorsement of the DCC, and I intend to do everything I can to win.


    《The Good Wife Season 5》《傲骨贤妻 第五季》

  • I'm not scared of you. My endorsement of Dunbar, that makes for an even better story.


    《House of Cards Season 4》《纸牌屋 第四季》

  • Castro wants to make another case for your endorsement. He pleaded with me for a meeting.


    《The Good Wife Season 6》《傲骨贤妻 第六季》

  • You get my people, you have a clear win in both states. My endorsement is valuable.


    《House of Cards Season 3》《纸牌屋 第三季》


uninsured adj. 未保过险的

claremont graduate university 克莱蒙研究大学

interop 互操作

ignores vt. 忽视;不顾;(ignore的第三人称单数)

front office n. 总部;主要管理部门

procrustes 普罗克汝斯忒斯

chandelier n. 枝形吊灯

ordinary share 普通股

ice creams 冰淇淋

kangaroos n. 袋鼠;(kangaroo的复数)