You are communalistically inclined and you create a government that has your communalistic outlook - which is again an obvious fact, we need not elaborate it.
你有地方自治的倾向,因此你选举一个有地方自治看法的政府– 这也是显然的,我们无需多说。
Rather than a benevolent "socialist" super power China, whose population is made up over 90% Han Chinese, will bestride the world as a racially homogeneous, and communalistic "Middle Kingdom.
Rather than a benevolent "socialist" super power China, whose population is made up over 90% Han Chinese, will bestride the world as a racially homogeneous, and communalistic "Middle Kingdom."
In Jackson county, Mo., where it was revealed that Zion was to be established, Smith instituted a communalistic United Order of Enoch.
密苏里州的杰克逊郡是启示中锡安的旧址,史密斯在当地建立了一个自治组织——伊诺联合秩序(United Order of Enoch)。