And if you don't know them, that's okay. Most casual players probably do.
If only you the most casual greetings, can let me feel you are too warm heart.
'The puffer is reserved for the most casual occasions, ' he added. 'Like going to the store.
His very person and appearance were such as to strike the attention of the most casual observer.
So, we started simply. We taught it things like passes, shots and rebounds. Things that most casual fans would know.
Even the most casual workplace has do's and don'ts when it comes to appropriate hot weather attire. Here are the basics.
But most casual photographers want something to stash in a pocket. Vendors seeking their business have a tougher task: matching the capabilities of phone cameras.
Slowly, deliberately, without excitement or more than the most casual interest, he followed the course of the strange stream toward the sky-line and saw it emptying into a bright and shining sea.