a pace of a horse or other quadruped between a trot and a gallop, with not less than one foot on the ground at any time
he kicked his horse into a canter 他踢马,让它慢跑
I rode away at a canter .我骑马小跑而去。
a ride on a horse at such a speed
we came back from one of our canters .我们骑马慢跑回来。
(of a horse)move at a canter in a particular direction
they cantered down into the village .他们骑马慢跑进入村庄。
[with obj.]make (a horse) move at a canter
Katharine cantered Benji in a smaller and smaller circle .凯瑟琳让本基慢跑着,转着越来越小的圈子。
in (或at )a canter Brit. without much effort; easily 〈英〉 不费力地;容易地they retained their leadership of the Second Division at a canter . 他们在第二分组轻松地保持领先地位
"early 18th cent. (as a verb): short for