Dilettantes cannot have my resource, only those who prove they have enough interest to use some CPU cycles in answering a challenge.
These people are not becoming phantoms or dilettantes. Rather, they are part of an outpouring of human creativity that is being driven by radical mixing.
Mere dilettantes might not have taken note of Papa Joe – a Dickensian character if ever there was one – since he used a press conference to promote a record label, four days after Michael's death.
业余歌迷们本不会关注 乔.奥利弗(爵士乐大师路易斯·阿姆斯特朗的启蒙老师)这个狄更生式的人物(如果真有这么一种人存在的话)。 在迈克尔死后的第四天,他利用一个新闻发布会创立了一个一种新的音乐形式。