【物理】 规范理论。
The internal energy per plaquette in SU(2) lattice gauge theory is worked out.
求出了正切作用量的四维 SU_(2)格点规范理论的元格内能。
MeV, it will be a serious test for the minimal SU(5) grand unified gauge theory.
The basic idea of the quantum theory of field and gauge theory is introduced and it's importance in particle physics is explained.
The lattice gauge theory is reviewed. The main progresses in recent years are pointed out, and the problems existing up to now are analysed.
Based on the known lattice gauge theory and experiments, etc., it can be thought that the quark will be dissociated to much sandons at high energy.
规范场论(Gauge Theory)是基于对称变换可以局部也可以全局地施行这一思想的一类物理理论。非交换对称群(又称非阿贝尔群)的规范场论最常见的例子为杨-米尔斯理论。物理系统往往用在某种变换下不变的拉格朗日量表述,当变换在每一时空点同时施行,它们有全局对称性。规范场论推广了这一思想,它要求拉格朗日量必须也有局部对称性—应该可以在时空的特定区域施行这些对称变换而不影响到另外一个区域。这个要求是广义相对论的等效原理的一个推广。 规范“对称性”反映了系统表述的一个冗余性。