The fox and the monkey gave some food to the old men but the rabbit had nothing to give, so he jumped into fire and burned his flesh as food to the three old men.
As soon as we reckoned everybody was asleep that night we went down the lightning-rod, and shut ourselves up in the lean-to, and got out our pile of fox-fire, and went to work.
The fireman looks at Fox and says angrily, "He surely didn't put out the fire but he didn't call us, either."
黄鼎翔(Firefox),绰号为火狐、风哥,曾任台湾E-sport dragon(电竞龙) 教练、RNG战队教练、JTeam队教练。 2017年10月28日,RNG不敌SKT,赛后教练Firefox宣布辞职。2018年1月18日,Firefox获得年度最佳电竞教练。2018年8月,负责担任JTeam《英雄联盟》战队总监兼总教练。2018年11月23日,黄鼎翔宣布已结束与JTeam的合约,恢复自由人身份。