From giving friendship and support to our veterans, the elderly or the bereaved; to championing music and dance; providing animal welfare; or protecting our fields and forests, their selfless devotion and generosity of spirit is an example to us all.
他们陪伴并支持老兵,还有老兵遗孀和家人;他们支持音乐和舞蹈事业,关爱动物,保护我们的土地和森林… 他们的无私奉献和慷慨精神都是我们所有人的榜样。
《The Queens Christmas Message 2016》《英国女王2016圣诞演讲》
Mentorship and championing.
And he must go further, by championing three principles.
Championing free trade thus became a moral, not just an economic cause.
During the report, the more theatrically a scout dances, the better the site she is championing.
The two economists made their names (and remade their discipline) by championing randomised trials.
Last week Cameron was chastised by Gingerbread, the single parents' charity, for championing marriage.
It's great to know that there are more people out there who are serious about championing the road to better health.
To the surprise of some, he becomes a poster boy for alternative energy, championing wind farms over old-fashioned oil.
Mr Obama should veto the entire package unless they are removed. And he must go further, by championing three principles.
We're wired to experience euphoria when we belong to a band of people championing common values. It literally intoxicates us.
Indeed, young girls get mixed messages from role models, such as Miley Cyrus championing virginity then gyrating round a pole.
的确,年轻女孩儿从榜样们的身上得到混杂的信息,例如Miley Cyrus卫冕清纯女性后,就成为了很多女孩崇拜的焦点。
Open source tools have properties that allow them to live longer than the person championing them, especially the popular ones.
F1 chief executive Ecclestone was unrepentant for championing the twilight concept. "I only regret the rain," he said of Sunday's race.
Long known for championing fiscal stringency, the fund has recommended that Tanzania and Mozambique consider countercyclical fiscal expansions.
He will also be remembered for championing the representation of women in the IOC, overseeing the entry of the first women members in the 1980s.
A stream of grey housing blocks greets our arrival, decorated with fading murals championing people's heroes. But these heroes hoist guitars, not sickles.
People championing new ideas, especially if they are potentially disruptive new ideas, are going against the grain of what the business is currently doing.
Not only do they build excellent products, they're very outspoken thought-leaders on modern web development, specifically championing agile web development.
The children drafted reports championing the causes each preferred, argued their merits and finally cast votes to determine which charities received funding.
Spain, championing the drive towards renewable energy, is set to launch production of solar energy from what will be Europe's largest thermo-electric plant.