allowing latitude in religion; showing no preference among varying creeds and forms of worship
a person with a latitudinarian attitude
"mid 17th cent.: from Latin
adj. 宗教见解开明的;不拘泥于宗教教条的
n. 宗教见解开明人士;不拘泥于宗教教条者
Should debunk is new latitudinarian carry out the 3 hypocritical sexes that liberalize greatly and fabulosity .
And 20 centuries the creed of field of new latitudinarian heavy communalize since 80 time is dogmatic, world capitalism may produce new fascism again.
Regard the contemporary money of latitudinarian now delegate as creed, its generation, development gets the influence of card bogus creed.
作为当代自由主义代表的现代货币主义 ,其产生、发展都深受证伪主义的影响。
Economy is latitudinarian intervene with the country creed is his two old main school, the analysis that to the market economy runs is having this two old school to differ apparently.
The countries of Continental Legal System have two version, the latitudinarian action duty and virtual action obligation said.
allowing latitude in religion; showing no preference among varying creeds and forms of worship
a person with a latitudinarian attitude
"mid 17th cent.: from Latin