(of a road, route, or line)separate from another route, especially a main route, and go in a different direction
at the square, the Lytham Road tram route diverged from the Promenade 在广场利瑟姆路的有轨电车路线从人行街岔开
[as adj.
diverging ]the junction of two diverging roads 两条岔路的交叉处
their ways had diverged at university .在大学里他们就分道扬镳了。
develop in a different direction
English Gothic architecture began to diverge from that on the Continent .英国的哥特式建筑开始向和欧洲大陆不同的方向发展。
(of an opinion, theory, approach, etc.)differ markedly
the coverage by the columnists diverged from that in the main news stories 专栏作家涉足的领域和主要的新闻故事的内容是截然不同的
it is here that the different theories diverge
[as adj.
diverging ]diverging concepts of nation-building .国家建设的不同概念。
depart from a set course or standard
suddenly he diverged from his text .突然他偏离了课本。
【数】 发散。
"mid 17th cent.: from medieval Latin