时间: 2023-08-11 09:40:30
英 [ˈbɒdiz]
美 [ˈbɑːdiz]

n. 身体;团体;主体;尸体;正文;(body的复数)

v. 赋予…以形体;使具体化;(body的第三人称单数)

  • When we go outside in the sun, the sunshine triggers our bodies to produce Vitamin D.


  • Viruses can't replicate on their own: They require host bodies in order to do so.


  • Digestion is a process in which our bodies break down food for energy.


  • Overachievers often accomplish some amazing feats, but underestimate the effect of all the stress on their bodies over time.


  • We all do. We're so used to convenience, and in doing so, forget that our bodies aren't invincible.


  • Exactly. Our bodies can't survive without nutrients.


  • Rescuers even went back to recover the bodies despite the volcano becoming more active.


  • Such a skeptic! The sun and moon affect us in mysterious ways. Who says other celestial bodies can't too?


  • Insulin is the hormone that regulates blood sugar and compels our bodies to convert and store energy as fat.


  • Our bodies slough off dead cells.


  • We need to take care of our bodies.


  • All the bodies were totally unidentifiable.


  • Six bodies were recovered from the wreckage.


  • The bodies had been charred beyond recognition.



歌手:drowning pool\n发行时间:2009-09-11\n所属专辑:《sinner》\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nBeaten why for\nCan't take much more\nhere we go, here we go, here we go...\nOne - Nothing wrong with me\nTwo - Nothing wrong with me\nThree - Nothing wrong with me\nFour - Nothing wrong with me\nOne - Something's got to give\nTwo - Something's got to give\nThree - Something's got to give\nNow!!!\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nAaAaAaAaAh!!!!\nPush me again\nThis is the end\nhere we go, here we go, here we go...\nOne - Nothing wrong with me\nTwo - Nothing wrong with me\nThree - Nothing wrong with me\nFour - Nothing wrong with me\nOne - Something's got to give\nTwo - Something's got to give\nThree - Something's got to give\nNow!!!\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nSkin against skin blood and bone\nYou're all by yourself but you're not alone\nYou wanted in now you're here\nDriven by hate consumed by fear\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nOne - Nothing wrong with me\nTwo - Nothing wrong with me\nThree - Nothing wrong with me\nFour - Nothing wrong with me\nOne - Something's got to give\nTwo - Something's got to give\nThree - Something's got to give\nNow!!!\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nLet the bodies hit the floor\nAaAaAaAaAh!!!!\nAaAaAaAaAh!!!!\nAaAaAaAaAh!!!!\nAaAaAaAaAh!!!!

据了解,英国流行天王罗比·威廉斯将于今年年底通过EMI旗下Virgin Records发行他的最新单曲及最新专辑。罗比的专辑迄今为止在全球销量超过5千5百万张,最新单曲《Bodies》将于2009年10月12日发行。而新专辑《Reality Killed The Video Star》也会紧接着于11月9日全球发行上市。这次的制作人罗比邀请到Trevor Horn来担当,所有录制工作均在伦敦完成。 根据Robbie Williams自己的描述,这张专辑会是“一个杀手”,并且表示,歌迷们将会在新专辑中听到“过去的Robbie、将来的Robbie,以及一个重来没有人见过的Robbie。 Robbie Williams同时在其博客中透露,他为自己创作的一首歌重新填词,以向已故流行天王迈克尔·杰克逊致敬。他写道:“在写好这首歌的时候,我并没有能够找到合适的歌词。当我得知杰克逊逝世之后,我就开始重新为这首歌填词,而在创作的时候心里想着他。” Robbie还表示,他在创作这首歌时,找来了曾经帮杰克逊创作过他早期大热歌曲《Ben》的音乐人Don Black来帮忙。“在创作时我的确是遇到了瓶颈,但Don Black非常友好地对我伸出了援手。他是我遇到过的最友善的传奇,我爱他。”

  • So what does he want? To become better. Better than us. He keeps building bodies. Person bodies.


    《Avengers: Age of Ultron》《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》

  • Though returning our prisoners without their bodies was an interesting prelude for peace.


    《Marco Polo Season 1》《马可波罗 第一季》

  • He's a gym teacher. Why would they have a gym teacher teach us about our bodies?


    《Girl Meets World Season 3》《女孩成长记 第三季》

  • We need six guys, right? Sorry, chief. We count bodies, not heads. That dude counts as one.


    《Monsters University》《怪兽大学》

  • Yes, and I can start to control other peoples' bodies. Also, I can control magnetic and electric waves.



  • The first is physical. Push your bodies to the breaking point and you'll master the methods of combat.



  • And that's what they taught us in Health class about our bodies. You okay, Bubba? I'm telling everybody.


    《Girl Meets World Season 3》《女孩成长记 第三季》

  • The nucleus contains our DNA, the blueprint that tells our cells how to make everything our bodies need to function.



  • Thank you, God, for the food we are about to receive and for the nourishment of our bodies and bless the hands that prepared it. A men.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 10》《生活大爆炸 第十季》

  • The boy and the girl had no idea of the changes they would soon be facing. Everything was different, including their own bodies. What the…


    《Girl Meets World Season 2》《女孩成长记 第二季》

  • You bring us out into the light only to clean up the messes your lack of discipline creates. Your bodies and your character are weak. Your promises are empty, and you will pay for it.


    《Incredibles 2》《超人总动员2》

  • Don't you think that we should all have a weapon like that? No. You simply lack the strength to wield them. Your bodies would crumble as your minds collapsed into madness. Is it weird that I wanna do it even more now? A little bit, yeah.


    《Avengers: Infinity War》《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》

  • Oh, I like swimmer's bodies.


    《Friends Season 4》《老友记 第四季》

  • The invasion will fail no matter how many bodies you throw at it.


    《Edge of Tomorrow》《明日边缘》

  • When we die, our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass.


    《The Lion King》《狮子王》

  • Me and Norm are here to drive these remotely controlled bodies called avatars.



  • The bodies of the air crew were found less than 24 hours after they landed in Damascus.


    《Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation》《碟中谍5:神秘国度》

  • When the dust cleared, and the screaming stopped. It took me two days until I found their bodies.


    《Captain America: Civil War》《美国队长3》

  • Last murder case before I retired. How many bodies do you see there? Careful, it's a trick question.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 5》《生活大爆炸 第五季》

  • Well, supposably, these bald-bodies find you attractive. So, maybe you can work out some sort of trade.


    《Guardians of the Galaxy》《银河护卫队》


carping adj. 挑毛病的,吹毛求疵的。vi. 吹毛求疵;挑剔;找茬;(carp的现在分词)

residence building 居住房屋;住宅建筑;居住建筑

phg 磷酸乙二醇异羟肟酸

something is wrong 有些不对劲

varg 瓦尔格

distribute information 分发信息;传播信息

phoney war 假战争;假打时期

till now 至今;直到现在;直到如今

unfeelingly adj. 无情地; 无感觉的

luckier adj. 更加幸运的;更加运气好的;更加侥幸的;更加带来好运的;(lucky的比较级)