a time when a person or thing is tested, a decision has to be made, or a crisis has to be faced
严峻考验时刻;紧要关头。[ORIGIN with allusion to the final sword-thrust in a bullfight.] <Bold>not a moment too soon</Bold> almost too late 几乎为时已晚。
Both men knew the moment of truth had arrived.
So this is our moment of truth.
Here's the moment of truth.
At last, the moment of truth came.
Once that's done, the moment of truth.
关键时刻(Moments of Truth,MOT)这一理论是由北欧航空公司前总裁詹·卡尔森创造的。他认为,关键时刻就是顾客与北欧航空公司的职员面对面相互交流的时刻,放大之,就是指客户与企业的各种资源发生接触的那一刻。这个时刻决定了企业未来的成败。卡尔森在1981年进入北欧航空公司担任总裁的时候,该公司已连续亏损且金额庞大,然而不到一年时间卡尔森就使公司扭亏转盈。这样的业绩完全得益于北欧航空公司员工认识到:在一年中,与每一位乘客的接触中,包含了上千万个“MOT”,如果每一个MOT都是正面的,那麽客户就会更加忠诚,为企业创造源源不断的利润。
a time when a person or thing is tested, a decision has to be made, or a crisis has to be faced
严峻考验时刻;紧要关头。[ORIGIN with allusion to the final sword-thrust in a bullfight.] <Bold>not a moment too soon</Bold> almost too late 几乎为时已晚。
So you might just get a completely different view. Oh yeah. We can't do any kind of rehearsal. That 23 minutes is the moment of truth.
《Chinese New Year》《中国春节》