arranged in or constituting a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space between individual instances
plant the flags at regular intervals 按规定间隔竖旗
a regular arrangement .规则排列。
happening in such a pattern with the same time between individual instances; recurring at short uniform intervals
a regular monthly check 定期月检
her breathing became deeper, more regular .她的呼吸越来越深,越来越均匀。
(of a person)doing the same thing or going to the same place with the same time between individual instances
regular worshippers .定期参加礼拜者。
(of a structure or arrangement)arranged in or constituting a symmetrical or harmonious pattern
beautifully regular, heart-shaped leaves .匀称精美的心形叶片。
(of a person)defecating or menstruating at predictable times
done or happening frequently
regular border clashes 频繁发生的边境冲突
parties were a fairly regular occurrence .晚会是相当经常的事。
(of a person)doing the same thing or going to the same place frequently
a regular visitor 常客。
conforming to or governed by an accepted standard of procedure or convention
policies carried on by his ministers through regular channels 由部长们通过正当渠道在执行的政策
a regular job .正规工作。
[attrib.]of or belonging to the permanent professional armed forces of a country
a regular soldier .正规军士兵。
(of a person)properly trained or qualified and pursuing a full-time occupation
a strong distrust of regular doctors .对正规医生的极不信任。
【基督教】 受教规约束的;属于修道会的
the regular clergy .正规神职人员。与<Bold>SECULAR</Bold> (义项2)相对。
〈非 正式,旧〉 [用作强调] 十足的,彻底的
this place is a regular fisherman's paradise .这个地方绝对是渔民的天堂。
used, done, or happening on a habitual basis; usual; customary
I couldn't get an appointment with my regular barber 我预约不上惯常为我理发的师傅
our regular suppliers .我们的老供货商们。
〈主 北美〉 普通的,一般的
it's richer than regular pasta .它比普通意式面条味道浓。
〈北美〉 不做作的;不高傲的;平易近人的
he's a regular guy, not a glamour puss .他是个很普通的家伙,不是一个万人迷。
(chiefly in commercial use)denoting merchandise, especially food or drink, of average, medium, or standard size
a shake and regular fries .一份奶昔和标准装薯条。
(in surfing and other board sports)with the left leg in front of the right on the board
【语法】 (单词)规则变化的
a regular verb .规则动词。
【几何】 (图形)正的
a regular polygon .正多边形。
(of a solid)bounded by a number of equal figures
【植】 (花)呈放射状对称的。
a regular customer or member, for example of a pub, shop, or team
the absence of four first-team regulars .四个一线正式队员的缺席。
a regular member of the armed forces
【基督教】 (区别于世俗教士的)修道者,教士。
keep regular hours do the same thing, especially going to bed and getting up, at the same time each day 作息有规律
on a regular basis 经常地;定期地
regular sleep 规律的睡眠
regular treatment 常规治疗
regular season 常规赛
regular customers 常客
regular school 普通学校
"late Middle English: from Old French