George throws the ball as high as he can and catches it. I can do that too. Oh, Peppa has missed the ball. This is a silly game.
《Peppa Pig Season 2》《粉红猪小妹 第二季》
Yeah, what good is life unless it throws a Smackle in your face?
《Girl Meets World Season 3》《女孩成长记 第三季》
So a little boy picks one up, and he throws it back into the water.
《Girl Meets World Season 3》《女孩成长记 第三季》
It undermines my authority. Throws me off balance. Pits me against my rival.
《House of Cards Season 4》《纸牌屋 第四季》
What are negs? A neg is a negative compliment that throws a pretty woman off her game.
《The Big Bang Theory Season 2》《生活大爆炸 第二季》
When the earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And believe me he's winding up.
《Avengers: Age of Ultron》《复仇者联盟2:奥创纪元》
His defect is that he throws funny. Nobody in the big leagues cares about him because he looks funny.
It's not just the drum noise. Every five minutes, Joey throws his sticks in the air, and I have to hear, "Oh my eye. Oh god, my eye."
《Friends Season 7》《老友记 第七季》
Can't you see him, Peppa? Let's play catch. OK. To you, Leo. Peppa throws the ball to Suzy's pretend friend. Leo cannot catch the ball.
《Peppa Pig Season 2》《粉红猪小妹 第二季》
She was nine months pregnant with their second child. Two days after his death, she throws herself backwards from a fifth floor window.
《Like Sunday, Like Rain》《如晴天,似雨天》
Ready? Steady? Go. Mr. Elephant has the ball. Tackled by George. Passed to Zoe Zebra. To Richard Rabbit. And Peppa throws it through the hoop.
《Peppa Pig Season 4》《小猪佩奇 第四季》
I see my chance to get out of there. But there's something familiar about one of the kids' voices. The girl, she's upset and she throws down her mask and it's her.
《Incredibles 2》《超人总动员2》
Jeremy Lin drives and finishes. Nice play from Lin. There's a strip of it. Lin throws it ahead to toney douglas. Up for the layup! Banks it in! Here comes shumpert to Lin. Lin flips it up and puts it in. Jeremy Lin once again!
Everybody knows that Jim throws crazy parties!
She's a great kid and hardly ever throws temper tantrums.
Johnny always throws the best parties. They can get pretty wild!
His throws were long, hard and accurate, as always.
One big thing is free throws.
My father throws me a rope.
She throws another piece of fish.
He made three free throws.