articles of incorporation
时间: 2024-03-06 19:03:31
英 [ˈɑ:tiklz ɒv ɪnˌkɔ:pə'reɪʃn]
美 [ˈɑ:tiklz əv ɪnˌkɔrpəˈreʃən]


  • Discuss the amendment of "Articles of Incorporation".


  • You must submit a reproduced copy of your certificate of good standing as filed with the Louisiana Secretary of State's office along with a copy of the original articles of incorporation.


  • Unless a delayed effective date is specified, the corporate existence begins when the articles of incorporation are filed.

    公司章程备案之时公司即开始存在, 除非另行肯定一个推迟的生效日期。

  • Ford Motor Company entered the business world on June 16, 1903, when Henry Ford and 11 business associates signed the company's articles of incorporation.

    福特汽车公司在1903年6月16日进入商界。 亨利.福特和11家商业团体签署了公司章程.

  • The powers granted in this section to the board of directors may be reserved to the shareholders by the articles of incorporation.


  • Certificate of Incorporation Issued by a state upon approval of articles of incorporation.


  • Internal matters of the corporation are governed by its own Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.


  • Article 29 A stock exchange shall file with the Commission for review and recordation whenever there is amendment to its articles of incorporation or other bylaws.


  • It is an arbitrary value the company gives the stock in company's articles of incorporation and has no effect on the stock's market price.


  • This certificate and the shares represented hereby are subject to the laws of the State of Nevada, and to the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws of the Corporation , as now or hereafter amended.


  • The Tax Court will look at the articles of incorporation to determine if a transaction falls under the objects of the corporation, and if it is part of usual business.


  • Internal matter of a corporation are governed by its own Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.


  • Unless the articles of incorporation or bylaws provide otherwise, the board of directors may fix the compensation of directors.


  • If the articles of incorporation or this Act provide for voting by a single voting group on a matter, action on that matter is taken when voted upon by that voting group as provided in section 7.25.


  • If the articles of incorporation prohibit the reissue of the acquired shares, the number of authorized shares is reduced by the number of shares acquired.


  • Shareholders do not have a right to cumulate their votes for directors unless the articles of incorporation so provide.


  • Articles of incorporation, business plan, business bylaws, and shareholders list and their respective shareholdings.


  • To obtain this charter, the organizers of the corporation submit an application called the articles of incorporation.

    为获得该执照,公司的创建人需提交申请,称为公司章程。 收藏。

  • Articles Of Incorporation - Take advantage of Internet Business Formation opportunities that put businesses in operation quickly and easily.


  • A corporation may, by a provision in its articles of incorporation, limit any of the rights to indemnification or advance for expenses created by or pursuant to this subchapter.



replacer n. 替代者;复原者;置换器;装卡工具

innocent victim 无辜受害者

institute n. 学会;协会;机构;注释;论述;概要。v. 实行;建立;设立;任命;授予…职位;开始

reston 赖斯顿

be applicable to 适用于;适应于;可应用于

point mutation n. 基因点突变

descender n. 下伸部分;下伸字母

make an issue of 小题大做;夸大其事

vua vua

plagiarizes 抄袭