On the subject of cigarette smoking to prevent Parkinson's disease, it is like being caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.
His enemy was close behind him, and the bridge over the ravine was rotten and swaying. Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, he hesitated.
He was hanging over the side of the ship, working between the devil and the deep blue sea.
A cynic should have cause to be grateful, since to see your amorous sweet devil of a son wedded to an Oxford-Bloomsbury blue-stocking should add considerably to the gaiety of the season.
I was taken to court to pay my husband's debts, which I was told I had to pay or else go to prison, so I was between the devil and the deep blue sea.
丹·卡西迪(Dan Cassidy)是 dc漫画超级英雄,一名虔诚的天主教徒,职业是特技演员,他通常扮演一些精灵或魔鬼类的角色。改变他平静生活的是红粉知己、电影人玛拉·布隆伯格(Marla Bloomberg)的一部电影《蓝魔》(Blue Devil),他在其中扮演一个蓝色的魔鬼角色。为了使形象更加逼真,卡西迪制作了全身蓝色魔鬼的衣服,这套服装外面是一套蓝色软甲,内有动力和烟火装置;同时,卡西迪还制作了一件武器——三叉戟,该武器由火箭系统所环绕,并且可以飞行。