Micro focused on analyzing from the perspective of costs, implementing dominant strategy in commercial bank and putting forth concrete operational measures.
Rational choice in this case, people are not choosing a dominated strategy but a dominant rational choice can lead to outcomes that Suck.
He is often the dominant voice in the kind of strategy meetings—many of which Mr Cameron lets him chair—in which he first shone as a young adviser in the 1990s.
On the basis of high-quality knowledge restorement, dominant mathematic thinking strategy should be used in the teaching, and summary and reflection should be given on time.
Venuti has criticized and challenged the dominant domesticating translation, and, what is more, he has advocated foreignizing translation strategy to resist fluency.
占优策略是博弈论(game theory)中的专业术语,所谓的占优策略就是指无论竞争对手如何反应都属于本企业最佳选择的竞争策略。显然,在公司的商务竞争过程中,具有占优策略的一方无疑拥有明显的优势,处于竞争中的主动地位。占优策略有时是显而易见的。