playstation network
时间: 2024-05-22 11:44:49

playstation network

  • Sony's PlayStation Network has around 70 million members worldwide.


  • The integrated USB microphone lets you communicate clearly on the PlayStation Network.


  • In April, person unknown cracked Sony's PlayStation network, and stole 77 million users' data.

    四月份,人所共知的Sony PlayStation网络遭到攻击,七千八百万的用户数据被盗取。

  • Hackers targeted Sony's PlayStation Network, Sony Online Entertainment and Qriocity music systems.


  • However, IGN can now confirm that the re-released version of Assassin's Creed won't pack PlayStation Network Trophies.


  • Even the hack of Sony's Playstation Network last month is believed to have exposed tens of millions of credit card Numbers.


  • Sony is expected to roll-out its film and TV rental service, the PlayStation Network Delivery Service, in the next few weeks.


  • "As you may be aware, some customers have been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network today, " said Sony in a statement.

    “可能你们已经知道了,现在有一些用户不能够连接到索尼的游戏网络平台” ,索尼官方声明中说。

  • The 1999 sequel, which will come to PlayStation Network later this month, was more of an action-oriented survival horror game.

    1999年的续作,则以动作为主,更偏向恐怖脱逃游戏。 这一作在这个月下旬将会和大家见面。

  • The company's future prospects have been further damaged by the Japan earthquake and the hack of its large PlayStation Network.


  • Game off: The PlayStation Network, which allows gamers to play online was down all day Thursday and predicted it would be offline on Friday.


  • Sony shut down the PlayStation network, a system that links gamers worldwide in live play, on April 20 after discovering the security breach.


  • Sony began to restore its PlayStation Network after hackers breached its security, compromising the personal information of 100m users last month.

    索尼已开始恢复旗下网络平台PlayStation Net work。上月,这个平台遭到了黑客的攻击,约1亿用户信息泄露。

  • XBox Live and the PlayStation Network both offer full current-gen games for download, and the Wii has a vast library of older hits for download only.

    微软的Xbox Live和索尼的PlayStation网络都会提供完整的这一代游戏的下载,任天堂的Wii也有一个海量的经典游戏库可供下载。

  • That attack was considered the biggest in Internet history and led to Sony shutting down the PlayStation Network and other services for almost a month.


  • Following the theft of roughly 100m online gamers’ account details in April, Sony shut down its PlayStation Network for nearly a month at a cost of about $171m.


  • Sony said a bug with the console clock was responsible for the serious technical glitch, which has left thousands of PS3 owners unable to connect to the PlayStation Network.


  • The screenshots of the new-look interface also showed an improved browser, and a tool that allows users to change the appearance of their PlayStation Network profile images.

    通过获得的屏幕截图,可以知道PS3自带的浏览器也得到改善。 同时,还增加了一个图像工具,可以用来修改个人信息上的显示图像。

  • The rare phenomenon came on the same day as the massive PlayStation network went offline after an unexplained outage, which officials say could take another day or two to put right.


  • Sony’s PlayStation Network was down for more than three weeks while the company scrambled to repair the breach—a delay that annoyed customers and did untold damage to Sony’s reputation.

    在公司忙于修补缺口时索尼PlayStation Network崩溃了三周多——这一延误不仅惹恼了顾客还给索尼名声带来极大的损害。


PSN是SONY第三代主机PS3与PSP的网络服务PlayStation Network的简称,是新力电脑娱乐为PlayStation 4、PlayStation 3、PlayStation Vita、PlayStation Portable提供的网络账户。


dipole moment n. 偶极矩;磁偶极矩

part time jobs pl-n. 兼职;兼职工作;(part time job的复数)

flunk v. 通不过;在…中失败;不及格;使(考生)不及格;使(考生)通不过;退学;被开除

on the other hand 另一方面

suck v. 吸;太差;令人不快;令人厌恶;吸引;卷入;吞没;含在嘴里舔吃;吮吸;吸…的奶。n. 吸食;吮吸;吸;抽吸;冲刷声。excl. 瞧…这副狼狈相

speedy passage 快速通道;快速通过

digital out 数字输出

villainy n. 恶行;犯罪

transformational adj. 转变的;转换生成语法的

expansivity n. 膨胀率