Doctor Li Jian is an expert of supply chain & production planning of Integrated Optimization Solution Co. , Ltd.
Some products of name-brands selling in the Chinese market, such as Aupres, Avon, Doctor Li and Ponds, have been found with SPF values less than half the values claimed.
"The kiss reduced pressure in the mouth, pulled the eardrum out and caused the breakdown of the ear," the paper quoted a doctor surnamed Li from the hospital as saying.
If you are not sure which doctor is best for your ailment, Li will even recommend one based on experience and can arrange all the paperwork for an extra fee.
如果你不确定找哪位医生看病最好,李启才还能凭经验帮你推荐,并安排好所有工作。 当然,这都是需要额外收费的。
Li Wangen, a doctor at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College, said.
李医生(DOCTORLI),起源于1995年的澳大利亚,产品专研毛孔管理,以专业护肤品为主,1991年, 在Mielon Lee博士的指导下,澳洲SISDER西婷公司联合澳洲LRC护肤中心成立DOCTOR.LI研究所,同时将产品统一命名DOCTORLI。1995年进入中国市场。 主要产品有屈臣氏系列、多特蒙德系列、世界名画系列、祛痘控油系列。