be entitled or appointed to act or speak for (someone), especially in an official capacity
for purposes of litigation, an infant can and must be represented by an adult .为诉讼目的,婴儿可以而且必须由一位成人代表。
(of a competitor)participate in a sports event or other competition on behalf of (one's club, town, region, or country)
Wade represented Great Britain .韦德代表英国参赛。
be an elected Member of Parliament or member of a legislature for (a particular constituency, party, or group)
she became the first woman to represent a South Wales mining valley .她成为首位代表南威尔士一河谷矿区的女议员。
the Duke of Edinburgh was represented by the Countess Mountbatten .爱丁堡公爵由蒙巴顿女伯爵作代表。
constitute; amount to
this figure represents eleven per cent of the company's total sales .这一数字相当于公司总销售额的11%.
be a specimen or example of; typify
twenty parents, picked to represent a cross section of Scottish life .被选作代表苏格兰人生活典型的20位家长。
abstraction is well represented in this exhibition .在这个展览中,抽象艺术得到很好反映。
depict (a particular subject) in a picture or other work of art
santos are small wooden figures representing saints .圣徒木雕像是描绘圣人的小型木头人像。
[with obj. and adverbial or infinitive]describe or depict (someone or something) as being of a certain nature; portray in a particular way
the young were consistently represented as being in need of protection .年轻人一贯被描述为需要保护。
(of a sign or symbol)have a particular signification; stand for
numbers 1—15 represent the red balls .数字1至15代表红球。
be a symbol or embodiment of (a particular quality or thing)
the three heads of Cerberus represent the past, present, and future .刻尔柏洛斯的三个头分别象征着过去、现在和将来。
play the part of (someone) in a theatrical production
〈正式〉 明确讲述,清楚说明
it was represented to him that she would be an unsuitable wife .已经明确告诉过他她不会是一个合适的妻子。
[with clause]allege; claim
the vendors have represented that such information is accurate .商贩们已声称这信息是正确的。
"late Middle English: from Old French