a quantum field theory that deals with the electromagnetic field and its interaction with electrically charged particles
pl-n. 量子电动力学
Considering the acceptability of the teaching methods of general physics, we shall not use the theory of quantum electrodynamics.
But if borne out in further experiments, the findings could challenge fundamental precepts of quantum electrodynamics, the theory of how quantum light and matter interact, say its authors.
但是,论文作者介绍,如果进行深入的实验研究,该发现将挑战量子电动力学的基本规律。 量子电动力学是研究光与物质相互作用下量子性质的理论。
One-atom maser and one-atom laser are important experimental proving grounds in the study on cavity quantum electrodynamics(CQED).
The formulas of the quantum electrodynamics are applied to calculate the spontaneous emission rate of high-excited atoms in a cavity sandwiched by two semi-infinite dielectric slabs.
For these problems there is still no clear solution, even in quantum electrodynamics.
在粒子物理学中,量子电动力学(英语:Quantum Electrodynamics,简称QED)是电动力学的相对论性量子场论。它在本质上描述了光与物质间的相互作用,而且它还是第一套同时完全符合量子力学及狭义相对论的理论。量子电动力学在数学上描述了所有由带电荷粒子经交换光子产生的相互作用所引起的现象,同时亦代表了经典电动力学所对应的量子理论,为物质与光的相互作用提供了完整的科学论述。 用术语来说,量子电动力学就是电磁量子真空态的摄动理论。它的其中一个创始人,理查德·费曼把它誉为“物理学的瑰宝”(\the jewel of physics\),原因是它能为相关的物理量提供极度精确的预测值,例如电子的异常磁矩及氢原子能级的兰姆位移。
a quantum field theory that deals with the electromagnetic field and its interaction with electrically charged particles