Its microfinance operation disburses about $1 billion a year.
It is according to how often the credit card disburses the cash back.
In Andhra Pradesh it directly disburses welfare payments and pensions.
Andhra Pradesh邦使用该系统直接划拨福利金和养老金。
The client offers the translation materials and disburses the imprest.
客户 支付 预付款并提供所需翻译资料(电子稿)。
They can convert the floating rate into fixed rate as the loan disburses.
Therefore, in the present stage, our company's technical development investment and technical service investment occupy the major part disburses of the company.
This thesis is devoted to the confusing freight taxation problems occurred on the sales process where V. A. T. payers as a dealer charges, disburses, pays the freight or as a buyer pays the freight.