This is a preview of How to capture a screenshot of a web page without using Print screen.
You could directly print screen films, offset films and printing samples on PET PVC PC PS ABS sheet.
等片材上印刷菲林片、胶印前打样图! 直接印刷,无需涂层; 高精度印刷,色彩清晰鲜艳。
Below is the print screen with my application in debug mode, and the other image is from the other application.
Pressing the Print screen key invokes the gnome-screenshot application with no options, captures the entire screen, and displays the dialog shown in Figure 2.
按Print screen键就会不带选项地调用gnome - screenshot应用程序,这捕获整个屏幕并显示图2所示的对话框。
This can often be as simple as doing a print screen of an existing system and then adding some comments to reflect where the changes or updates will impact the screen.
print screen是一款图像捕捉的免费国产软件。