Arthur Klatsky is a heart doctor at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Oakland, California.
The patients were drawn from the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center Program in Northern California.
这些患者来自于加州北部的Kaiser Permanente医学中心计划。
In the veterans' system and at Kaiser Permanente, patients have access to their own health records.
在老兵的系统和Kaiser Permanente系统,病人有权访问自己的电子病历。
Riverside is a neighbor to Hollywood, and home to a large facility from health giant Kaiser Permanente.
河边市是好莱坞的邻居,本身又有大型医疗集团Kaiser Permanente的许多设施。
Kaiser Permanente has been on the forefront of a movement toward greater linguistic and cultural competence in health care.