Xiang Zhuang door (as opposed to large houses in the vicinity of Bridge del sur) south of the Everbright Bank that there is a special shop.
Dai Bing, general manager of credit card center of China Everbright Bank, said, "She says the new system is both an opportunity and a responsibility."
As the first joint stock bank that went into operation in Chongqing, China Everbright Bank Chongqing Branch (abbr. CEB CQ) has actively made much efforts in Performance Evaluation.
With a rise of 67.34 percent, the performance of China Everbright Bank is the most dazzling one among them. China Huaxia Bank ranks second place with a profit growth of 59.29 percent.
Reportedly, China Everbright Bank launched the first in the domestic industry with the personal housing mortgage derivative products effectively broadened the scope of services of credit operations.
中国光大银行(CHINA EVERBRIGHT BANK)是一家经国务院批复并经中国人民银行批准设立的全国性股份制商业银行,成立于1992年8月,总部在北京,为中国光大集团下属子公司。 其于2010年8月在上海证券交易所挂牌上市,2013年12月在中国香港联合交易所挂牌上市。主要为客户提供商业银行产品与服务,曾获“年度最佳电子银行奖”“最佳客户体验奖”等。