a deposit of small white ice crystals formed on the ground or other surfaces when the temperature falls below freezing
[count noun]a period of cold weather when such deposits form
there have been several sharp frosts recently. 最近出现了几次寒冷的霜冻。
[count noun ]
〈喻〉 冷淡的态度,冷若冰霜的态度
there was a light frost of anger in Jackson's tone. 杰克逊的语气中流露出一丝冷峻的愠怒。
[in sing.]
〈英, 非正式,旧〉 失败。
cover (something) with or as if with small ice crystals; freeze
shop windows were still frosted over .商店的窗玻璃上仍然结着霜。
[no obj. ]become covered with small ice crystals
no one has managed to stop outdoor heat exchangers frosting up during winter. 没有人能够阻止户外的热交换器在冬季结霜。
〈主美〉 在(蛋糕,点心)上面撒糖霜。
injure (a plant) by freezing weather
Robert (Lee) (1874—1963), American poet, noted for his ironic tone and simple language. Much of his poetry reflects his affinity with New England, including the collections
弗罗斯特,罗伯特(·李)(1874—1963,美国诗人,以其讽刺和朴实无华的语言风格著称,许多诗反映了他对新英格兰的感情,包括诗集《波士顿以北》[1914] 和《新罕布什尔州》[1923] 等;1924年、1931年、1937年3 次获普利策奖)。
degrees of frost Brit. degrees below freezing point 〈英〉 冰点以下的温度
"Old English