reduced circumstances
时间: 2024-02-06 16:14:20
英 [rɪ'dju:st 'sɜ:kəmstənsɪz]
美 [rɪ'djust 'sɜkəmstənsɪz]

境况不济, 生活窘迫

  • Previous generations tended to begin adulthood in reduced circumstances ---- milk crates in the living room, Old Milwaukee in the fridge.


  • Their years in Springfield brought hard work, a family of boys, and reduced circumstances to the pleasure-loving girl who had never felt responsibility before.


  • REDUCED CIRCUMSTANCES If your household income and assets aren’t what they once were, it can be a real problem for spouses who are not living in the style to which they have become accustomed.

    家道衰落 如果你的家庭收入和固定资产不像以往那样丰盈了,这对于不能按照他们已经习惯的方式生活的配偶来说是个实在的问题。

  • It is said that now, being in very reduced circumstances, these people are ready to grant permission to any one who will undertake the work of mining.


  • Between grandma's funeral and father's unemployment, our family was then in reduced circumstances.


  • She claims she is a duchess living in reduced circumstances .


  • Margaret: You think that because you are rich, and my father is in reduced circumstances, that you can have me for your possession?I suppose I should expect no less from someone in trade!


  • Though living in reduced circumstances themselves my parents still felt an obligation to help those even less fortunate.


  • The paper analyze the cause of reduced circumstances in the Document Retrieral Course of the institue, explore how to grasp the chance to help the Document Retrieval Couse out of the difficulty.


  • They have been living in reduced circumstances since their parents lost their jobs.


  • They have been living in reduced circumstances since John lost his job.


  • I studied art in senior high school , however , the reduced circumstances of my family can't support me to keep going on this way.


  • It is also due to this "gradualness" that one is able to reconcile himself to his reduced circumstances.


  • Mr Mitchell is one of millions of consumers across the developed world who are struggling to deal with their debts in reduced economic circumstances.


  • The market is dispirited and international trade is reduced under the circumstances of financial crisis which cause the communication enterprise confronted unprecedented difficulties.


  • And last month his budget, crafted in tough economic circumstances, reduced spending while providing some property-tax relief.


  • The discharge line must not be restricted or reduced in size under any circumstances.


  • In other circumstances, a reduced burning rate may be sought after .


  • You should never reduced to violence under any circumstances.


  • The discharge line must be installed to allow complete drainage of both the relief valve and the discharge line. The discharge line must not be restricted or reduced in size under any circumstances.


  • If a person has true difficulties in paying because of an unavoidable disaster, the fine may be reduced or remitted according to the circumstances.


  • If a person has true difficulties in paying because of an irresistible disaster, the fine may be reduced or remitted according to the circumstances.


  • A condition in which the system operates at reduced levels of service. These circumstances are usually caused by unavailability of various equipment units or subsystems.


  • Under normal circumstances this injurious influence is reduced in the gut system by specific amine oxidases.


  • He received a two-year ban for that test, which was reduced by a year because of the "exceptional circumstances" of the offense.


  • The output and current efficiency of aluminum reduction cells can be improved by current strengthen under certain circumstances, but the cost of every product can be reduced at the same time.


  • Under general circumstances the direct and indirect costs will be respectively increased and reduced along with the shortening of construction time.



used euphemistically to refer to the state of being poor after being relatively wealthy

[委婉表达从富到穷]生活窘迫 a divorcee living in reduced circumstances 生活拮据的离婚者。


mcw abbr. 已调制连续波(Modulated Continuous Waves)

a pig in a poke 瞎买的东西;盲目接受的东西

faint light 微弱的光

tracklayer n. 履带式拖拉机

melted vi. 熔化;溶解。vt. 使融化;使熔化;(melt的过去式和过去分词)。adj. 溶解的;融化的;消失的

in the power of 在…的控制下;受…支配

nikolai n. 尼古拉

hinoki n. 日本扁柏木;日本扁柏

catering service 餐饮服务;宴会服务;饮食服务

public office 公职