wake forest university
时间: 2024-06-12 22:26:42
英 [weɪk ˈfɒrɪst juːnɪˈvəːsɪti]
美 [weɪk ˈfɔrəst ˌjunəˈvərsədi]


  • Bill Coore graduated from Wake Forest University in 1968 and began working for Pete Dye.


  • Doctor Anthony Atala is Director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center.


  • Not all labs do. At Wake Forest University, the monkeys are housed in pairs and separated only at meal times so that researchers can monitor what each monkey eats.


  • The groom, Henry Hager, is a graduate of Wake Forest University and is studying for a Masters in business at the University of Virginia.


  • Professor Simon, of Wake Forest University in the U.S., said the findings could be down to the fact that young men often have few people in whom they confide - apart from their romantic partner.


  • Researchers at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, looked at a certain protein that regulates iron and studied the amount of it in breast cancer cells.


  • Wake Forest University; Winston-Salem, North Carolina.


  • But Robert Whaples, an economist at Wake Forest University, actually examined this claim in 2007 by looking at pricing data from a chain of convenience stores.

    但维克森林大学(Wake Forest University)经济学家罗伯特·霍普里斯(RobertWhaples)在2007年对这种说法进行了检验,方式是查看一系列便利店的价格。

  • In March, scientists at Wake Forest University reported that they had created artificial urethras in the lab and successfully transplanted them into five boys who had tissue damage.

    就在今年三月,维克森林大学(Wake Forest University)报告说他们在实验室制造出了人造尿道,并成功将它们移植到了五名患有组织损伤的男孩体内。

  • “Britain might introduce a new special resolution regime, but it won’t work properly if that institution has branches in America, ” says Robert Bliss of Wake Forest University.


  • The team – from Wake Forest University in North Carolina – has studied angry ant swarms, which converge on an enemy and then overwhelm it.

    来自北卡罗莱纳州维克森林大学(Wake Forest University)的这一研究小组对怒愤的蚂蚁群先围聚然后吞噬敌人的行为进行了研究。

  • He has an undergraduate degree from Wake Forest University.


  • This suggestion is based on the results from a study by Ihtsham Haq, M.D., an assistant professor of neurology at Wake Forest University, and published online March 10 in NeuroImage.

    上述建议是有根据的,它建立在医学博士伊山·哈克的研究基础上。 伊山·哈克是维克森林大学助理教授,其研究成果于今年3月10日发布在网上。

  • An English professor at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, Mr Wilson has crafted a tirade against the country's “wanton” embrace of “manic bliss”.


  • Researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine examined nerve cells in the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with memory coding and storing.

    维克森林大学医学院(Wake Forest UniversitySchoolofMedicine)的研究人员检测了海马体的神经元。 海马体是大脑里与记忆的编码、储存相关的区域。

  • He graduated from Wake Forest University and worked as an aide to Bush's former top political adviser Karl Rove.


  • Kaycee Sink of Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina told Reuters Health.


  • Wake Forest University professor Frank Torti was interviewed by the journal Science Translational Medicine, which published his findings in their online edition.


  • Dr Tony Atala, from Wake Forest University, North Carolina, is pioneering this breakthrough.


  • His grandfather was there every step of the way—including sitting at Paul's side when he realized his dream and signed to play college basketball with his hometown Wake Forest University.


  • "A randomized clinical trial may be necessary" to confirm the results of Rocca's study, says biostatistician Mark Espeland of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.


  • Gary Miller, who studies obesity and weight loss at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, called the research encouraging, but said it's difficult to prove a direct influence from a single study.



维克森林大学(Wake Forest University),又译作维克弗里斯特大学,建于1834年,是美国一所极富盛名的综合性研究大学。因小班制精英教学体制,维克森林也被称作“南方哈佛”、“南方达特茅斯”。维克森林大学连续21年位列全美大学综合排名25名左右,2018年US News美国大学排名中,维克森林大学位列全美27名。“Strong Commitment to Teaching”全美本科教育质量排名在2017年US News达到第5名,前4名为普林斯顿大学、耶鲁大学、布朗大学。维克森林大学被誉为“常春藤的小后门”,意在学生在维克森林完成本科学业后有高于其他众多大学进入常春藤联盟顶尖大学继续接受更高等教育的机会。 该校在中国内地地区相对美国其他前30名校知名度较小,原因主要在于该校对招收国际学生相当严格,申请该校,学生需要递交5篇左右的命题作文,所以维克森林也是全美前30名校中国际学生人数最少的学校。 维克森林大学坐落于美国北卡罗莱纳州历史名城温莎(Winston-Salem),距美国东南部地区最重要的金融、贸易和交通运输中心夏洛特市约一小时车程。维克商学院在Businessweek本科商学院中排名11,教学质量一项长期以来与常春藤盟校宾夕法尼亚大学的沃顿商学院并列全美第1名。其会计硕士专业全球著名,10年来具有全美国第1的注册会计师考试通过率(97%)及100%的毕业生就业率,遥遥领先于全国的平均水平。


dipole moment n. 偶极矩;磁偶极矩

part time jobs pl-n. 兼职;兼职工作;(part time job的复数)

flunk v. 通不过;在…中失败;不及格;使(考生)不及格;使(考生)通不过;退学;被开除

on the other hand 另一方面

suck v. 吸;太差;令人不快;令人厌恶;吸引;卷入;吞没;含在嘴里舔吃;吮吸;吸…的奶。n. 吸食;吮吸;吸;抽吸;冲刷声。excl. 瞧…这副狼狈相

speedy passage 快速通道;快速通过

digital out 数字输出

villainy n. 恶行;犯罪

transformational adj. 转变的;转换生成语法的

expansivity n. 膨胀率