It's how you stay in contact with me and the command center.
《The Interview》《采访》
There will be a command center out of the FBI office in Knoxville where we will coordinate.
《House of Cards Season 5》《纸牌屋 第五季》
Okay, that'll conclude this telecon. We'll be back with you at 1415. Command center's out. Thank you.
《America Revealed》《透视美国》
Air traffic control system command center. This place is immense. Yes. I feel like I'm in that movie "War Games" or something. No, no.
《America Revealed》《透视美国》
Start the DB2 Command Center.
启动 DB2 命令中心。
The Wallops Flight Facility command center.
Because the heart, in the Bible, is the command center.
Once the Command Center is open, create a new database called ORDERS.
打开命令中心以后,创建一个名为 ORDERS 的新数据库。
Use your Command Center to protect SCVs. Command Centers can only carry SCVs.
使用你的指挥中心保护s CV,指挥中心职能装载scv。