situated at sea some distance from the shore
[as adj.]
this huge stretch of coastline is dominated by offshore barrier islands 一批近海岛屿形成的屏障雄踞于这一段极长的海岸线之外
[as adv.]
we dropped anchor offshore .我们在近海区抛了锚。
(of the wind)blowing towards the sea from the land
of or relating to the business of extracting oil or gas from the seabed
made, situated, or registered abroad, especially in order to take advantage of lower taxes or costs or less stringent regulation
[as adj.]
deposits in offshore accounts .海外账户上的存款。
of, relating to, or derived from a foreign country
[as adj.]
American offshore politics .美国的对外政治事务。
move (some of a company's processes or services) overseas
he predicts that 750,000 UK jobs will be offshored in the next 10 years .他预测未来10年英国将有750,000个就业岗位转移到海外。