The film "Lawrence of Arabia" was based on the book and made Lawrence's story even more popular.
And there, over 40 hours in early 1962, Maurice Jarre watched the first rough cut of David Lean’s “Lawrence of Arabia”.
And there, over 40 hours in early 1962, Maurice Jarre watched the first rough cut of David Lean's “Lawrence of Arabia”.
I know this sounds stupid, but I at first thought it was about Lawrence of Arabia, the great British desert fighter.
Not that long ago, a pukka British accent could at least get you a casting call as an army officer, a judge or Lawrence of Arabia.
托马斯·爱德华·劳伦斯(Thomas Edward Lawrence,也称“阿拉伯的劳伦斯”,Lawrence of Arabia,1888年8月16日至1935年5月19日)因在1916年至1918年的阿拉伯大起义中作为英国联络官的角色而出名。他成为公众偶像的部分原因是美国旅行家兼记者洛维尔·托马斯(Lowell Thomas)所写关于那场起义的轰动一时的报告文学,还有劳伦斯的自传体记录《智慧的七柱》。许多阿拉伯人将他看成民间英雄,推动了他们从奥斯曼帝国和欧洲的统治中获得自由的理想;