economic summit
时间: 2024-01-25 10:22:56
英 [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˈsʌmɪt]
美 [ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪk ˈsəmət]


  • The president stopped off in Poland on his way to Munich for the economic summit.


  • He will also host an economic summit in Washington on November 15.


  • We all gathered in the living room for what was the first Family Economic Summit (1) in our history.


  • He will attend a global economic summit in London and a meeting of NATO leaders on the French-German border.


  • I know it helped put me at ease when I felt like the new kid at school at my first economic summit in Ottawa in 1981.


  • Focus will still be on today's final day of EU economic summit which could provide more headwinds into the Greek issue.


  • South Korea is on alert for many types of potential disruptions when it hosts global leaders next week for a key economic summit.


  • Given the scale of the current global economic difficulties, failure at the upcoming London economic summit is simply unthinkable.


  • Perhaps to underscore that point, the president-elect will not be attending the major economic summit Mr. Bush is hosting in Washington on November 15th.


  • In a speech at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington on Monday, Mr. Fillon listed four key issues that France wants to top the agenda at the economic summit.


  • In his monthly news conference, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown laid out the groundwork he feels must be done before the important Group of 20 economic summit April 2 in London.


  • Despite the mood, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, back in London after last weekend's G-20 economic summit in Washington, says the way out of this global problem is a coordinated global approach.


  • The White House said Mr. Obama still plans to travel to Russia to attend the Group of 20 economic summit in St. Petersburg. But instead of flying to Moscow afterwards, he intends to head to Sweden.


  • Yet by the time a 1991 European summit was held in the Dutch city of Maastricht, a plan for economic and monetary union (EMU) was written into a new EU treaty, to be ratified by member states later.


  • The agenda for a summit this week in Cannes was dominated by avoiding an immediate economic meltdown, rather than dealing, as the incumbent French presidency initially hoped, with financial mischief.


  • At the G-20 Summit in London in April, leaders stared into an economic abyss.

    在四月份举行的伦敦G - 20峰会上,各国领导人还在为经济低谷而忧心忡忡。

  • These will take place on the sidelines of the annual summit of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation), a gathering long famed for its waffling.


  • Mr Obama will also attend a summit of leaders from the Asia-Pacific region, the part of the world demonstrating the most robust economic growth.

    奥巴马还将参加亚太地区领导人峰会。 亚太地区正显示出世界上最强劲的经济增长。

  • Mr Lee, who hopes to show off South Korea’s economic prowess as host of the G20 summit this year, is a conservative more interested in economic strength than the military sort.


  • Mr Lee, who hopes to show off South Korea's economic prowess as host of the G20 summit this year, is a conservative more interested in economic strength than the military sort.



thermal conductivity n. 热导率;导热性(率);导热系数

peace pipe 和平烟斗

encircling v. 包围;(encircle的现在分词)

in a blink 眨眼间;一瞬间

same idea 相同想法

squeak n. 短促的尖叫声;嘎吱声;只言片语。v. 发出刺耳声;嘎吱作响;勉强通过;侥幸成功;紧张(或激动)得尖声说;告密;告发

konjac n. 蒟蒻;魔芋

all that 所有这一切

watch out 小心, 提防

poirier 梨子