specific heat capacity
时间: 2024-04-02 10:55:06
英 [spəˈsɪfɪk hiːt kəˈpasɪti]
美 [spəˈsɪfɪk hit kəˈpæsədi]

n. 比热

  • The product of a solid element's relative atomic mass and its specific heat capacity is approximately 6.4.


  • A calculation formula for determining the specific heat capacity of solid with an improved RD496-III microcalorimeter was derived.


  • To overcome the deficiency of traditional control method based on coal-water ratio, a new way based on specific heat capacity is being proposed.


  • The specific way and results for reducing heat consumption of clinker and improving production capacity of clinker kiln are described.


  • The key to calculate the specific enthalpy and enthalpy difference is to make sure of the benchmark as well as the value of heat capacity value.


  • This paper discussed the assessment of uncertainty of air's specific heat capacity ratio, and gave a method of more reasonable, standard and easy for teaching.


  • In this base, the specific heat capacity data of colza oil and biodiesel at 25℃, 35℃, 45℃and 55℃were measured by a Calvet microcalorimeter.


  • The error analysis indicates that DSC method is effective and can be used to measure the specific heat capacity at constant pressure of other crystals.


  • A calorimeter based on the quasi-steady state theory was developed to measure the latent heat of fusion and specific heat capacity of substance from 250 K to 400 K at atmosphere pressure.


  • Regarding specific heat capacity concept, "synthetic specific heat capacity of multiple nodal region"is used to outer nodal point method of DFDM in this paper.

    用“复合节点领域综合比热容”的概念推出复合节点领域的通用差分计算格式 ,用于复杂铸件 铸型体系的凝固过程数值模拟。

  • It has been found that for different coals, the specific heat capacity is nearly the same for a certain load, which can make steam temperature control more precision.


  • The results show that the specific heat capacity at constant volume in a fractal medium is always less than that in a homogenous medium.


  • It presents:①formula of calculating synthetic specific heat capacity;


  • In this paper, the thermal performance of cyclone preheater system was studied by considering the specific heat capacity as a function of temperature.


  • With the miniaturization of a solid down to nanometers scale, the elasticity, extensibility, Debye temperature, and the specific heat capacity are no longer …

    断键规则与纳米固体的弹性,延展性,德拜温度,比热- 力学- 首…


一定质量的某种物质,在温度升高时吸收的热量与它的质量和升高的温度乘积之比,叫做这种物质的比热容。用符号c表示。 单位质量的某种物质,温度降低1℃所放出的热量和它温度升高1℃所吸收的热量相等。数值上也等于它的比热容。


Physics the heat required to raise the temperature of the unit mass of a given substance by a given amount (usually one degree)

【物理】 比热。


platoon n. 排;一队;一组;两部制学校;同位替补的。v. 实行两部制

tractate n. 论文

antecede vt. 在...之前;先行;先前

in the fullness of time 到时候;在适当的时候;最终

liars 说谎者

raffled n. 废物;抽彩售货。vt. 抽彩售货;(raffle的过去式和过去分词)。vi. 抽彩;(raffle的过去式和过去分词)

tethers vt. 拘束;(tether的第三人称单数)。n. 拴绳;极限;系链;限度;(tether的复数)

progressive wing 进步的翅膀

move in with 搬来和(现有居住者)同住

physical evidence 实物证据;物理证据;物证