Dispatcher? Manages an Activation queue of service requests that are pending execution; it decides which request to de-queue next and execute on a service Delegate object that implements the request.
Dispatcher——管理等待执行的服务请求的激活队列;它决定接下来哪个请求退出队列并在实现该请求的Service Delegate对象上执行。
Activation Queue? Maintains method requests pending for execution.
Activation Queue——维护等待执行的方法请求。
Manager - plays the role of Proxy of the active object model; using instances of EventMessage, the Manager determines service invocation requests that are placed into an Activation Queue.
Because your Web service also accepts requests using the JMS, you need to create a bus, two queue destinations for incoming and replies, and an activation spec for the message driven bean (MDB).
由于您的Web服务还接受使用JMS的请求,因此需要创建一个总线、两个用于传入和应答的队列目的地和一个用于消息驱动Bean (Message Driven Bean, mdb)的激活规范。
This forms an unbroken chain of requests that include the same activation context.