probability distribution
时间: 2023-08-23 07:08:38
英 [prɒbəˈbɪlɪti dɪstrɪˈbjuːʃ(ə)n]
美 [ˌprɑbəˈbɪlədi ˌdɪstrəˈbjuʃ(ə)n]

n. 概率分布;概率函数

  • Can you estimate a probability distribution of errors across the microarray surface?


  • With the load datum time, maximum loads probability distribution can be estimated during the structure in service, thereby we can assess reliability of structure in service.


  • Success probability distribution, the key is you can stick to a successful start to present at that moment.


  • This paper describes the logics and the using in computing the probability distribution of the nano-gate states.


  • In fact, great tragedies still happen now and then, and many parameters obey some kinds of probability distribution. Some of them change with the lapse of time.


  • It is a feasible method to obtain the probability distribution of some engineering index through empirical method in the case of lacking experimental data.


  • Introduced is this paper are the probability differential method and the unify way of calculating the probability distribution of the continuous type and that of the discrete type.


  • Probability distribution of cargo throughput was acquired using throughout probability theory.


  • Successs probability distribution, the key is you can stick to a successful start to present at that moment.

    成功呈概率分布,关键是你能不能坚持到成功开始呈现的那一刻。 罴。

  • It allows to easily and quickly select the probability distribution which best fits to data.


  • “What you need is to fold what I have done into a probability distribution across the multiverse, ” he says.


  • The probability distribution of errors is an essential problem in the theory of errors.


  • After analysis of probability distribution law of traffic flow, this paper puts forward the Section Vehicle Dispatch Model that adapts to microscopic traffic simulation based on Poisson Distribution.


  • By using this model, the probability distribution of residual strength can be predicted when the ratio of fatigue residual stiffness is equal to some value under some stress level.


  • Finally, the codes are optimized aceordingto their probability distribution. By use of this method, the compressed data are only about 5 percent of the original in quantity.


  • On the basis of field geology survey, the probability distribution function of joint aperture is fitted and the availability of the fitting is verified.


  • Or we could just look at the radial probability distribution itself and see how many nodes there are.


  • So the influence of high-frequency noise is analyzed by the analysis of power spectra, coherent structure, probability distribution of time series and differences of them.


  • We can talk about the wave function squared, the probability density, or we can talk about the radial probability distribution.


  • The uncertain factors of the knowledgeable manufacturing cell were included in the task control model by utilizing a self-study method of probability distribution parameters of stochastic events.


  • It's a fine measure, as far as it goes, but it depends critically on both the form of the assumed probability distribution function and the parameters of that distribution.


  • Major issues involved in risk analysis such as selection of probability distribution and setting correlation for risk variables are also discussed.


  • Sepa- ration of the two probability distribution functions allows the use of the three-month running mean of ULTA as a criterion for forecasting El Nino.


  • With consideration of OFDM symbols probability distribution characteristic, one method increasing iteration times of large scale OFDM signal was proposed to improve the algorithms convergence rate.


  • And in doing that, we'll also talk about the shapes of h atom wave functions, specifically the shapes of orbitals, and then radial probability distribution, which will make sense when we get to it.


  • Friction moment of rolling bearings belongs to a poor information system where both probability distribution and trend are unknown, with having uncertain change of fluctuating and trend.


  • This probability distribution was directed by "inside time"and it indicated the structure state of broad-leaved forest in the future.



概率分布(德语:Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung,英语:probability distribution)或简称分布,是概率论的一个概念。使用时可以有以下两种含义: 广义地,它指称随机变量的概率性质--当我们说概率空间中的两个随机变量X和Y具有同样的分布(或同分布)时,我们是无法用概率来区别他们的。换言之: 称X和Y为同分布的随机变量,当且仅当对任意事件,有成立。 但是,不能认为同分布的随机变量是相同的随机变量。 狭义地,它是指随机变量的概率分布函数。设X是样本空间上的随机变量,为概率测度,则称如下定义的函数是X的分布函数,或称累积分布函数(简称CDF): ,对任意实数定义。 具有相同分布函数的随机变量一定是同分布的,因此可以用分布函数来描述一个分布,但更常用的描述手段是概率密度函数(pdf)。 在常用的文献中,“分布”一词可指其广义和狭义,而“累计分布函数”或“分布函数”一词只能指称后者。为了不致混淆,下文中谈及上述的广义时使用“分布”一词;狭义时使用“分布函数”一词。


Statistics a function of a discrete variable whose integral over any interval is the probability that the variate specified by it will lie within that interval

【统计】 概率分布;概率函数。


platoon n. 排;一队;一组;两部制学校;同位替补的。v. 实行两部制

tractate n. 论文

antecede vt. 在...之前;先行;先前

in the fullness of time 到时候;在适当的时候;最终

liars 说谎者

raffled n. 废物;抽彩售货。vt. 抽彩售货;(raffle的过去式和过去分词)。vi. 抽彩;(raffle的过去式和过去分词)

tethers vt. 拘束;(tether的第三人称单数)。n. 拴绳;极限;系链;限度;(tether的复数)

progressive wing 进步的翅膀

move in with 搬来和(现有居住者)同住

physical evidence 实物证据;物理证据;物证