They are the experts in that area and can deal with the change quickly and definitively; reviewing it with the change board would not add value and would only slow down resolution.
Mr Greenspan’s model is the Resolution Trust Corporation (on whose board he served), created in 1989 to take over failing thrifts, sell their assets, then close itself down.
格林斯潘的模型就是美国清债信托公司的模型(他是其董事会成员)。 该公司建立于1989年,目的是接管经营不善的企业,变卖其资产并将其关闭。
The resolution of the first incident almost led to a revision in the Code of the Board of Colonial Affairs.
The authorized officer shall, where appropriate, seek to promote a resolution of the complaint at the ship-board level.
The accomplishment of the study is the embedded high resolution VGA display board. Its display effect and the main parameters reached the standard of using require.