The corporate performance is measured by three guide lines: Market-to-book value (MB), return on equity (ROE) and earning per share (EPS).
Apparently, the principle for earning per share indifference point method is to determine which one can lead to the highest net income to shareholders under different financing methods.
There are different methods of capital structure decision, common methods are cost of capital comparison method, earning per share indifference point method and enterprise value comparison method.
An analysis is made on the impact of seasoned new issue upon such financial indicators as net asset per share, earning as per share, yield rate of net assets, etc.
The effect of the second conversion to the common-share holders is rather small, and the earning-per-share only declines about 10 percent.
每股收益即每股盈利(EPS),又称每股税后利润、每股盈余,指税后利润与股本总数的比率。是普通股股东每持有一股所能享有的企业净利润或需承担的企业净亏损。每股收益通常被用来反映企业的经营成果,衡量普通股的获利水平及投资风险,是投资者等信息使用者据以评价企业盈利能力、预测企业成长潜力、进而做出相关经济决策的重要的财务指标之一。利润表中,第九条列示“基本每股收益”和“稀释每股收益”项目。 在股票投资基本分析的诸多工具中,与市盈率、市净率、现金流量折现等指标一样,EPS也是最常见的参考指标之一。