earn out
时间: 2023-09-06 10:29:37
  • They earn out a bare existence.


  • This may mean starting your own thing or just making the most from the first job you earn out of college.


  • They earn salaries out of all proportion to their ability.


  • He told me a machine would put that lady out of work. Breaking those bricks meant she'd earn enough money to feed herself and her baby that day.


  • Instead of instantly satisfying their wishes, parents should help them work out a plan to earn things they'd like to have.


  • The worst luck turned out well for the Knicks, who watched Anthony earn two fouls in the opening 88 seconds that regulated him to the bench the rest of the first quarter.


  • Bad bosses can suck the motivation, creativity, enthusiasm, productivity and health right out of decent people trying to do a good job and earn an honest wage.


  • By seeing out that contract, he would earn less than half the money he owes Chelsea.


  • To calculate how much you could earn, check out the rental prices of other homes in your neighborhood.


  • Why don't I lend some of it out and I can earn interest on the loan and make money.


  • "By softening the image you send out to the world, you'll earn the friendliness and positive responses that make strangers seem less intimidating," Wassmer claims.


  • It was the profits that Goldman Sachs announced in early 2009, and the huge bonuses it paid out, that helped earn the investment bank the nickname "vampire squid" and made Mr Blankfein a hate figure.


  • Now he no longer needs to use his labor to earn an income. Instead, he rents out use of the tractor to the younger workers (who otherwise would have to use their bare hands to till the soil, etc.).


  • “If you have enough capital, then you can expand and try to earn your way out of problems, ” Malcolm Polley, chief investment officer at Stewart Capital Advisors, told Bloomberg.


  • The same number wish they could earn more so they could be the one to go out to work.


  • That’s great; just move those surpluses into a savings account so they can earn some interest, and then move them back out if you need them.


  • That's great; just move those surpluses into a savings account so they can earn some interest, and then move them back out if you need them.


  • But why do those who are already well-off feel the need to out-earn other people?


  • And, when a household suddenly finds itself without any flow of income, it can have a serious impact for girls, who are pulled out of school to earn money.


  • It could then expand its balance-sheet indefinitely without driving the fed funds rate to zero; a bank will not lend out excess reserves at 0.25% if it can earn 1.75% at the Fed.

    这可以无限制扩大它的资产负债表,而不会使联邦基金利率降到0。 银行如果可以从联储那里得到1.75%的利息,就不会以0.25%的利率贷出多余的款项。


carping adj. 挑毛病的,吹毛求疵的。vi. 吹毛求疵;挑剔;找茬;(carp的现在分词)

residence building 居住房屋;住宅建筑;居住建筑

phg 磷酸乙二醇异羟肟酸

something is wrong 有些不对劲

varg 瓦尔格

distribute information 分发信息;传播信息

phoney war 假战争;假打时期

till now 至今;直到现在;直到如今

unfeelingly adj. 无情地; 无感觉的

luckier adj. 更加幸运的;更加运气好的;更加侥幸的;更加带来好运的;(lucky的比较级)