an authorization granted by a government or company to an individual or group enabling them to carry out specified commercial activities, for example providing a broadcasting service or acting as an agent for a company's products
a business or service given such authorization to operate
a general title or concept used for creating or marketing a series of products, typically films or television shows
the Harry Potter franchise .哈利·波特特许经营品牌。
〈北美〉 (由运动联合会授予的)会员运动队拥有权。
〈北 美,非正式〉 职业运动队。
〈北美,非正式〉 (球队的)明星球员。
the rights of citizenship
grant a franchise to (an individual or group)
grant a franchise for the sale of (goods) or the operation of (a service)
all the catering was franchised out .所有的公共饮食业的特许经营权都已颁发。
"Middle English (denoting a grant of legal immunity): from Old French, based on