the capital of Northern Territory, Australia; pop. 120,652 (2008).
Charles (Robert) (1809—82), English natural historian and geologist, proponent of the theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwin was the naturalist on HMS Beagle for her voyage around the southern hemisphere (1831—6), during which he collected the material which became the basis for his ideas on natural selection. His works
达尔文,查尔斯(·罗 伯特)(1809—1882,英国博物学家和地质学家,自然选择进化理论的提出者,作为博物学家搭乘比格尔号进行环南半球航行[1831— 1836],其间所收集的材料成为他自然选择理论的基础;他的《物种起源》[1859] 和《人类的由来及性选择》[1871] 对我们关于自然和人类在自然中的地位的概念起了根本影响)。
Erasmus (1731—1802), English physician, scientist, inventor, and poet. Darwin is chiefly remembered for his scientific and technical writing, much of which appeared in the form of long poems. These include
达尔文,伊拉斯谟(1731—1802,英国内科医师、科学家、发明家和诗人,主要因科技方面的著述而为人所知,其中许多以长诗形式写成;著述包括《植物园》[1794—1796] ,提出了拉马克的进化论观点;是查尔斯·达尔文的祖父和弗朗西斯·高尔顿的外祖父)。