only if
时间: 2023-08-07 18:17:02
英 [ˈəʊnli ɪf]
美 [ˈoʊnli ɪf]

只有, 只要, 也许只有

  • Only if you take an active part in physical activity will you be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

    你只有积极参加体育锻炼 才能保持身体健康

  • Eye of newt goes into the little black bag, if and only if there is reproducible scientific evidence that it works.


  • The lawyer is paid only if he wins.


  • Children are admitted only if accompanied by an adult.


  • Only if the red light comes on is there any danger to employees.


  • Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to leave the room.



《ONLY IF》是爱尔兰音乐家Enya(恩雅)演唱的歌曲,收录在1997年11月11日专辑《Paint The Sky With Stars》中的一首单曲。

  • Oh, have either one of you guys ever been to the Rainbow Room? Is it real expensive? Well, only if you order stuff.


    《Friends Season 1》《老友记第一季》

  • You know, they're supposed to turn on each other, but only if a guest takes them on the high sierra story line, and Walter always buys it.


    《Westworld Season 1》《西部世界 第一季》

  • Only if you think it's better than this, snow-in-a-can.


    《Friends Season 3》《老友记 第三季》

  • Only if you have an open mind.Let's say that I do.


    《Nikita Season 4》《妮基塔 第四季》

  • I think it's about time you two make it up. Peppa, say sorry to Suzy. Only if she says sorry first. Only if she says sorry first.


    《Peppa Pig Season 2》《粉红猪小妹 第二季》

  • Should I be concerned? Only if you had somebody other than me handling it.


    《Person of Interest Season 4》《疑犯追踪 第四季》

  • They are ready, yes, Great Khan, but only if that battle was closer to home.


    《Marco Polo Season 1》《马可波罗 第一季》

  • And if anything bad happens, what's the rule? Save you first, come back for Raj only if there's time.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 8》《生活大爆炸 第八季》

  • Oh, the music! I never know if it's beautiful or not, only if it's right. Often they're the same thing.


    《Sherlock Season 4》《神探夏洛克 第四季》

  • If it's so important, shouldn't I? Only if you wanna die. Why does somebody always have to die in this scenario?


    《Avengers: Infinity War》《复仇者联盟3:无限战争》

  • Okay, but only if you come to Sunday dinner at my house wearing a yarmulke. It's a date.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 3》《生活大爆炸 第三季》

  • Okay, but only if you promise to go straight back to sleep. We'll go to sleep after the story.


    《Peppa Pig Season 3》《小猪佩奇 第三季》

  • You called him a sea-dog first, Grandpa. You should say "sorry". Only if he says "sorry" first.

    爷爷 明明是你先叫他海狗的。你应该跟他说对不起。必须是他先说对不起,我才说。

    《Peppa Pig Season 1》《小猪佩奇 第一季》

  • Only if you're this jellyfish which periodically reverts to a mass of undifferentiated protoplasm.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 6》《生活大爆炸 第六季》

  • I shall try to follow your example. Do you dread the future? Only if I have to live it without you.


    《Downton Abbey Season 5》《唐顿庄园 第五季》

  • Of course I will. But only if you will take me as I am. An apprentice still learning his trade. Please.



  • Can we come over, please. Only if you say the castle is the best. It is the best. I'm staying in my tree house.


    《Peppa Pig Season 2》《粉红猪小妹 第二季》

  • Only if you have the hiccups too. Yeah, the pictures are for you, the water and the chocolate is for me. I just didn't feel like getting up.


    《Friends Season 4》《老友记 第四季》

  • Only if I don't have to get up and sing. But everybody sings. It's so fun. Last time, this adorable old man got up there, forgot all the words, flipped out and everyone booed him off the stage. It was so funny.


    《Friends Season 9》《老友记 第九季》


thermal conductivity n. 热导率;导热性(率);导热系数

peace pipe 和平烟斗

encircling v. 包围;(encircle的现在分词)

in a blink 眨眼间;一瞬间

same idea 相同想法

squeak n. 短促的尖叫声;嘎吱声;只言片语。v. 发出刺耳声;嘎吱作响;勉强通过;侥幸成功;紧张(或激动)得尖声说;告密;告发

konjac n. 蒟蒻;魔芋

all that 所有这一切

watch out 小心, 提防

poirier 梨子