made in exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud
two men were remanded on bail on a charge of passing counterfeit £10 notes .因使用10英镑伪钞而被起诉的两个人被交保候审。
〈古〉 假装的;虚假的
the counterfeit and the worthless Poor do a world of mischief to the cause of beneficence .假装贫困者和无能的穷人给慈善事业带来了不少损害。
a fraudulent imitation of something else;a forgery
he knew the tapes to be counterfeits .他知道这些磁带都是仿冒品。
imitate fraudulently
my signature is extremely hard to counterfeit .我的签名是极难仿冒的。
pretend to feel or possess (an emotion or quality)
no pretence could have counterfeited such terror .那样的恐惧是怎么也装不出来的。
〈诗/文〉 酷似
sleep counterfeited Death so well .睡眠与死亡何其相似。
"Middle English (as a verb): from Anglo-Norman French