certification exam
时间: 2023-09-25 06:54:53
英 [ˌsɜ:tɪfɪˈkeɪʃn ɪɡˈzam]
美 [ˌsɜrtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn ɪɡˈzæm]


  • I took the certification exam, simply because I enjoy taking tests.


  • You don't need to pass any prerequisite exam to qualify for the IBM XML certification exam.

    您不必通过任何资格考试就有资格参加IBM XML认证考试。

  • It is even better if the person completing the count has passed the IFPUG Certification exam.


  • Will any older generation have no J2EE certification exam, so, please provide some information.


  • The only way to gauge your readiness both for a job and for a certification exam is to track your progress.


  • The author has written a series of sample questions similar to the ones you would see on the IBM XML certification exam.

    作者曾写过一系列样题,它们类似于您将在IBM XML认证考试中所见到的试题。

  • If you are preparing to take the DB2 DBA certification exam 731, you've come to the right place — a study hall, of sorts.

    如果您正准备参加DB 2 DBA认证考试731,那您就来对地方了——这是一份内容翔实的自学教程。

  • Before taking the DB2 9 Application Development Certification exam, you must pass the DB2 9 Fundamentals exam (exam 730).

    在参加DB 2 9应用程序开发认证考试之前,您必须通过DB 2 9基础认证考试(考试730)。

  • In my certification exam study guides, I try to create practice questions that are as close to the real exam questions as possible.


  • For some reason, I decided to take a DB2 6.1 Application Developer certification exam about an hour before I was scheduled to speak.

    出于某种原因,我决定在计划演讲之前,参加一次大约1小时的DB 2 6.1 Application Developer认证考试。

  • Installing IDS will help you understand many of the concepts that are tested on the System Administration for IBM IDS V11 Certification exam.

    安装 IDS 可以帮助您理解 IBM IDS V11 系统管理认证考试中要考的很多概念。

  • But to pass a certification exam, you're going to have to know how to generate and analyze an access plan because you're going to be tested on it.


  • This is the eighth in a series of nine tutorials that you can use to help prepare for the DB2 9 Application Development Certification exam (Exam 733).

    本教程是分 9 部分的系列教程的第 8 部分,这个系列可以帮助您准备 DB2 9 应用程序开发认证考试(考试 733)。

  • This is the third in a series of nine tutorials that is designed to help you prepare for the DB2 9 Application Developer Certification exam (exam 733).

    本教程是一个由9篇教程组成的系列中的第3篇,该系列旨在帮助准备DB 2 9应用程序开发认证考试(考试733)。

  • When you start getting a good score on the practice exams and feel confident about most of the topics listed above, you are ready for the XML Certification exam.


  • This series of nine free tutorials is designed to help you prepare for the DB2 9 Application Development for Linux, UNIX and Windows certification exam (Exam 733).

    这份 共分 9 部分的免费系列教程 可以帮助您准备 DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX and Windows 应用程序开发认证考试(考试 733)。

  • This series of nine free tutorials is designed to help you prepare for the DB2 9 Application Development for Linux, UNIX, and Windows certification exam (Exam 733).

    这个 分 9 部分的免费系列教程 可以帮助您准备 DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX and Windows 应用程序开发认证考试(考试 733)。

  • Using practice exams that comprehensively cover the certification exam material, you will discover your strengths and weaknesses and see where you need to focus your training.


  • This tutorial is designed for anyone interested in learning about advanced DB2 programming concepts and preparing for the DB2 9 Application Development Certification exam (exam 733).

    本教程是为希望学习高级DB 2编程概念并打算参加DB 2 9应用程序开发认证考试(考试733)的读者设计的。

  • In addition to completing a rigorous classroom curriculum in medicine, the pa must pass a national certification exam given under auspices of the national Board of Medical Examiners.



platoon n. 排;一队;一组;两部制学校;同位替补的。v. 实行两部制

tractate n. 论文

antecede vt. 在...之前;先行;先前

in the fullness of time 到时候;在适当的时候;最终

liars 说谎者

raffled n. 废物;抽彩售货。vt. 抽彩售货;(raffle的过去式和过去分词)。vi. 抽彩;(raffle的过去式和过去分词)

tethers vt. 拘束;(tether的第三人称单数)。n. 拴绳;极限;系链;限度;(tether的复数)

progressive wing 进步的翅膀

move in with 搬来和(现有居住者)同住

physical evidence 实物证据;物理证据;物证