I took the certification exam, simply because I enjoy taking tests.
You don't need to pass any prerequisite exam to qualify for the IBM XML certification exam.
您不必通过任何资格考试就有资格参加IBM XML认证考试。
It is even better if the person completing the count has passed the IFPUG Certification exam.
Will any older generation have no J2EE certification exam, so, please provide some information.
The only way to gauge your readiness both for a job and for a certification exam is to track your progress.
The author has written a series of sample questions similar to the ones you would see on the IBM XML certification exam.
作者曾写过一系列样题,它们类似于您将在IBM XML认证考试中所见到的试题。
If you are preparing to take the DB2 DBA certification exam 731, you've come to the right place — a study hall, of sorts.
如果您正准备参加DB 2 DBA认证考试731,那您就来对地方了——这是一份内容翔实的自学教程。
Before taking the DB2 9 Application Development Certification exam, you must pass the DB2 9 Fundamentals exam (exam 730).
在参加DB 2 9应用程序开发认证考试之前,您必须通过DB 2 9基础认证考试(考试730)。
In my certification exam study guides, I try to create practice questions that are as close to the real exam questions as possible.
For some reason, I decided to take a DB2 6.1 Application Developer certification exam about an hour before I was scheduled to speak.
出于某种原因,我决定在计划演讲之前,参加一次大约1小时的DB 2 6.1 Application Developer认证考试。
Installing IDS will help you understand many of the concepts that are tested on the System Administration for IBM IDS V11 Certification exam.
安装 IDS 可以帮助您理解 IBM IDS V11 系统管理认证考试中要考的很多概念。
But to pass a certification exam, you're going to have to know how to generate and analyze an access plan because you're going to be tested on it.
This is the eighth in a series of nine tutorials that you can use to help prepare for the DB2 9 Application Development Certification exam (Exam 733).
本教程是分 9 部分的系列教程的第 8 部分,这个系列可以帮助您准备 DB2 9 应用程序开发认证考试(考试 733)。
This is the third in a series of nine tutorials that is designed to help you prepare for the DB2 9 Application Developer Certification exam (exam 733).
本教程是一个由9篇教程组成的系列中的第3篇,该系列旨在帮助准备DB 2 9应用程序开发认证考试(考试733)。
When you start getting a good score on the practice exams and feel confident about most of the topics listed above, you are ready for the XML Certification exam.
This series of nine free tutorials is designed to help you prepare for the DB2 9 Application Development for Linux, UNIX and Windows certification exam (Exam 733).
这份 共分 9 部分的免费系列教程 可以帮助您准备 DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX and Windows 应用程序开发认证考试(考试 733)。
This series of nine free tutorials is designed to help you prepare for the DB2 9 Application Development for Linux, UNIX, and Windows certification exam (Exam 733).
这个 分 9 部分的免费系列教程 可以帮助您准备 DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX and Windows 应用程序开发认证考试(考试 733)。
Using practice exams that comprehensively cover the certification exam material, you will discover your strengths and weaknesses and see where you need to focus your training.
This tutorial is designed for anyone interested in learning about advanced DB2 programming concepts and preparing for the DB2 9 Application Development Certification exam (exam 733).
本教程是为希望学习高级DB 2编程概念并打算参加DB 2 9应用程序开发认证考试(考试733)的读者设计的。
In addition to completing a rigorous classroom curriculum in medicine, the pa must pass a national certification exam given under auspices of the national Board of Medical Examiners.